
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Pymmetry - Python Trust Metrics

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

DATE INFORMATION: Mon Mar 26 00:00:59 BST 2001

Pymmetry has a Maximum Flow (Ford-Faulkersson) implementation at its heart, which is used to provide an easy means to evaluate Trust Metric Certifications, in python.

Trust Metric Evaluations, essentially, are Cascading (or, Hierarchical) Access Control Lists. Pymmetry provides an easy way to integrate Trust Metrics into any project.

Practical applications for Trust Metrics include Domain Name Registration protection, Web-site Forum / content access rights and privileges evaluation, and any other potentially hostile environment in which it is necessary to distinguish trusted from untrusted entities, taking into consideration the opinions of entities in the field.

1: History

The original code for Pymmetry (http://pymmetry.sourceforge.net) has gone via http://virgule.sourceforge.net from mod_virgule, by Raph Levien raph@acm.org. Raph studied Trust Metrics, and wrote mod_virgule - a community site forum engine - as a social experiment which has proved highly successful and effective at its job. Namely, it promotes and protects a site's purpose from unsolicited interference by empowering the users, in a hostile environment [e.g. the internet], to select those people that they trust within their community to remain honour-bound to the charter of the site they are using, or risk the wrath of their peers - ultimately expressed by the revokation of the Certifications their peers gave them, with the inherent loss of access rights such revokation implies.

Raph's original Network flow simulation code was written in Java. For mod_virgule's purposes, he rewrote it in c. Pymmetry is a python implementation, which is considerably more flexible, cleaner and easier to understand than c.

The original purpose of Raph's Trust Metric code was to fulfil a similar aim to that of Keynote. Namely, that in a large hostile environment, you have to know who to trust (and the example in his paper was the issue of Domain Name registration). When you have a chain (or web) of trust, you have to be able to evaluate that chain, and be as certain as possible that the web has not been compromised, in order to make decisions.

Keynote focusses, effectively, on "a means to securely evaluate Digitally-signed Logical Expressions". Whilst Raph's work is known, because of http://advogato.org, for focussing on the web of trust and its evaluation, Raph's original paper does cover "Logical Expressions" as well, of which - it turns out - Keynote is a superset implementation.

There has been much discussion recently about Trust Metrics - most notably on http://advogato.org, the original Open Source Advocacy site, set up by Raph. It is hoped that Pymmetry will add fuel to the flames :)


Each of the files in the Pymmetry project have a demonstration test. tm_calc.py contains details on how to use the TrustMetric class, and file_certs.py is example code that creates some user profiles and certifications in text files. The rest of this document describes the Pymmetry classes and how to use them effectively.

3: Certification base classes

certs.py provides the base-level classes for Certification manipulation. It provides the functions that must be implemented to access Certifications by type, including the levels (see class CertInfo), and it provides the means by which users can add and remove Certifications of specific types (again, see class CertInfo) on other users (see class Certifications).

Certifications work in conjunction with Profiles, implemented in profile.py.

file_certs.py provides example file-based Certification classes: see below.

4: Base classes to evaluate Trust Metrics

profile.py provides the means to access user profiles, including user's Certifications of other users (see certs.py) .

The TrustMetric class must be given the means to obtain user profiles and certifications in order to perform an evaluation, and this is done through a class derived from Profile. For example, one such Profile access mechanism may be to read user profiles using HTTP on remote sites, thereby extending Trust Metric evaluations into the realm of Distributed webs (along with all the associated problems that entails :)

file_certs.py provides example file-based Profile classes: see below.

5: File-based Trust Metric Profiles

File-based Profiles on which certifications (also file-based) can be stored and retrieved for evaluation by Trust Metrics. This code is intended as an example / demonstration.

6: Network Maximum Flow Graph

This is an almost line-for-line translation of Raph's original c code, net_flow.c. It implements the standard Ford-Faulkersson Maximum Flow algorithm, on an arbitrarily-linked weighted graph.

Example usage: f = NetFlow() f.netflow_add_edge(item1, item2) f.netflow_add_edge(class1, item2) f.netflow_add_edge(..., ...) ...

capacity_list = [NNNN, NNN, NN, NN, N, N, N]
mf1 = f.netflow_max_flow_extract(supersink, capacity_list)
mf2 = f.netflow_max_flow_extract(supersink2, capacity_list)

Note: items (nodes) are stored in a dictionary. Therefore, [just in case you're new to python] you can therefore evaluate anything. names, strings, unicode, numbers, tuples, complex numbers, classes - whatever you like.

TODO: look at Raph's paper, get the formula for the recommended capacity calculations (which are based on the number of nodes) and use that as the default for if capacity_list is None

7: Trust Metric Calculation

TrustMetric is the main class that actually performs a Trust Metric evaluation. It is based on tm_calc.c from http://virgule.sourceforge.net which in turn is based on the original code tmetric.c, by Raph Levien, in mod_virgule.

Example usage: p = Profiles(ProfileClass, CertificationsClass) c = CertInfoClass() t = TrustMetric(c, p) r = t.tmetric_calc(certification_type_name, [optional seed list])

The variables are explained as follows:

o p - an instance of a user-profile holder, where:

o 	ProfileClass (must be derived from Profile)
	is the class responsible for obtaining
	user-profiles, on-demand
o 	CertificationsClass (must be derived from
	Certifications) is the class responsible for
	obtaining user's certifications of each other,

o c - an instance of the Certification Information class (which must be derived from CertInfo) o t - an instance of the Trust Metric Evaluation class, on which tmetric_calc can be called.

o 	the certification_type_name must be recognised
	by c, and if you want any results back, the
	users must have certified each other under
	that certification type!
o 	the optional seed list can over-ride the default
	seed list for the certification type, if required.

o r - a dictionary where:

o 	the keys are the names of the users
o 	the values are the level at which each user
	is certified, relative to the input seed(s)
	on the requested evaluation.

Exactly what you do with those results is entirely up to you. Here are some uses to which Trust Metrics have been put:

o advogato.org, skolos.org, jabber.org, ghostview.org and badvogato.org use them to let the users themselves ascertain who fulfils the criteria associated with the site, with a view to allowing them to post articles on the front page. o virgule.sourceforge.net's example site-code takes this a stage further, including a newsfeed which requires slightly higher certification to post to than articles, and has "Interest" certification type which can be used for tagging and search capabilities.

It also "reverses" the Trust Metric's grammatical
syntax on Projects ("user" is "lead developer" for
"project" instead of "user" certifies "project" as
"lead developer" which just doesn't make sense :),
Allowing people to certify that they are working
for a person or a project (instead of the project or
person working for them).  Evaluation of a Project's
"Developers" metric then cascades a list of developers,
depending on who is working for who _and_ what.

This "reversing" is the reason why tmetric_type
is loaded from the CertType class instance - see

One minor practical difference from Raph's original tmetric.c (that likewise is carried over from tm_calc.c), is the concept of "default" certification levels (see CertInfo.cert_level_default). The application of this is that if a user is not certified by anyone, they are automatically certified at the "default" level [whether the Trust Metric evaluation has enough capacity to give them this level is another matter entirely]. see tmetric_stage1.

For example, an "Interest" Certification could have levels "Not Interesting", "Ambivalent" and "Intriguing", with a default level of "Ambivalent".

Another minor practical difference is the concept of "minimum level", which in Raph's original tmetric.c is hard-coded to CERT_LEVEL_NONE. Imagine that you have several Certification levels, and yet you use only the top few levels for access control purposes - at the present time.

Performing Maximum Flow calculations is expensive (25,000 nodes with an average of four links per node, in net_flow.py, on a PIII/800, takes 25 seconds and 1k per node, to evaluate). So, a "minimum level" concept was added. No user will receive a Certification at below this level.

NOTE: if the default level is below or at the minimum level, and a user receives a Certification from another user at BELOW OR AT the default level, then that user will NOT be included in the response from tmetric_calc.

This is intentional. if a little cryptic. hmmm... :)

8: Conclusion

There is much scope for the use of Trust Metrics.

Just PLEASE don't use them for "rankings" or "ratings" of people on a front page. This is asking for trouble. If you must "rate" something, then rate what people do, not who they are.

THINK. Ratings of people will list the top-rated people on the site on the front page. Therefore, clickety-click busy people will clickety-click certify those people more than others, which at best turns your entire site into a back-scratching (or back-stabbing) self-gratification exercise. "Wow, I Got More Certs Than You: I'm On The Front Page". Do you really want your site to generate a Black Market in Certification Trading, for the purposes of Ego-Bolstering?

Alternative suggestion: create an "Interest" Certification, then customise the front page with links to all cascading "Interest"ing articles, projects, people and anything else that the user has Certified as "Interest"ing, by performing an "Interest" tmetric_calc with the viewer as the primary seed.

Combining two Trust Metric calculations becomes even more powerful: it takes on useful search-engine capabilities, Imagine that you can search for Open Source Articles certified by one person that another respected Open Source Developer has certified as "Interest"ing. Perform a Trust Metric evaluation on the "Open Source Advocate" Certification type with the first person as the seed, perform a second Trust Metric evaluation on "Interests" with the second person as the seed, and list any Articles that are common to both evaluations, sorted first by "Open Source" and second by "Interest" Certification types.

There are some quite serious social responsibilites associated with the uses of Trust Metrics: it's not just about programming. THINK ABOUT IT.