This is an R Dataset that contains information on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites (current as of the 2014 audit). There are 1006 sites included in the dataset with the following variables:
- ref_no UNESCO World Heritage Centre reference numbers for heritage sites
- name descriptive name of the world heritage site
- date_inscribed year of inscription for the site
- danger_list years that the heritage site was placed in the danger list
- lon, lat the longitude and latitude values for the world heritage sites
- area_hectares the area of the site in hectares
- c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 boolean values that indicate which cultural criteria apply to the site
- n7, n8, n9, n10 boolean values that indicate which natural criteria apply to the site
- category the designation of whether the heritage site is a
site, acultural
site, or, amixed
site - country_iso_2 a two-letter country code for which state the site resides; there are several sites that are trans-boundary sites, so this can consist of a space-separated list of two-letter country codes
- unesco_region a UNESCO-defined global region
This data-only package can be installed from GitHub with the devtools package:
It's a data frame called uwhs
. Get the dimensions:
#' [1] 1006 20
Find out how many sites are located or co-located in Germany.
c(just_de = nrow(subset(uwhs, grepl("^de$", country_iso_2))),
shared_with_de = abs(nrow(subset(uwhs, grepl("^de$", country_iso_2))) -
nrow(subset(uwhs, grepl("de", country_iso_2)))))
#' just_de shared_with_de
#' 34 5
Now go forth and explore these opulent sites that fulfil one (or many!) cultural and/or natural criteri(on|a)...