
DimFlow is a Python-based network traffic sniffer designed to capture and analyze network flow data in real-time. It converts raw network packets into structured CSV datasets, making it perfect for creating datasets for machine learning applications in areas like cybersecurity, network optimization

Primary LanguagePython

Python DimFlow


Usage: python3 sniffer.py [OPTIONS]

  -i, --interface TEXT   Capture live data from the network interface.
  -f, --pfile PATH       capture offline data from a PCAP file or a folder containing PCAP files.
  -c, --csv              output flows as csv
  -w, --workers INTEGER  No. of workers to write flows to a CSV file.  [default: 2]
  --in                   Dump incomplete flows to the csv file before existing the program.
  --dir DIRECTORY        output directory (in csv mode). [default: current directory]
  --version              Show the version and exit.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

  {--interface, --pfile}  exactly 1 required

Convert the example.pcap PCAP file to a csv file containing flows in the output_flows folder:

python3 sniffer.py -f example.pcap -c --dir output_flows/

Sniff packets real-time from interface: (need root permission)

python3 sniffer.py -i eth0 -c --dir output_flows/