
Making sense of relevant information around the GitHub SSH Key Deprecation


Making sense of relevant information around the GitHub SSH Key Deprecation

CircleCI users

For CircleCI users, we may want to refer to this Discussion post: https://discuss.circleci.com/t/github-ssh-deprecation-information-resolutions/42887

However, I tend to be more of a visual person. So, I wonder if we can craft the information above to a flowchart to determine if we need to take action for any CircleCI project.

flowchart TD
    project[Project] --> key_exists{Has User/Deploy key?}
    key_exists -- NO --> ok((OK))
    key_exists -- YES --> key_type{What key type?}
    key_type -- DSA --> action_required((Action required))
    key_type -- others, including RSA --> within_window{Project created between 2021-11-02 and 2022-01-13?}
    within_window -- NO --> when_created{When was it created?}
    when_created -- After 2022-01-13 --> ok
    when_created -- Before 2021-11-02 --> action_required
    within_window -- YES --> executor_type{Which Executor type?}
    executor_type -- Docker --> legacy_docker_img{Legacy circleci/ image?}
    executor_type -- Machine --> set_machine_img{Specified image?}
    executor_type -- Others --> ok
    legacy_docker_img -- YES --> action_required
    legacy_docker_img -- NO --> ok
    set_machine_img -- NO --> action_required
    set_machine_img -- YES --> newer_than_ubuntu14{newer than Ubuntu 14.04?}
    newer_than_ubuntu14 -- YES --> ok
    newer_than_ubuntu14 -- NO --> action_required

Note: for action required, it can include verifying the SSH key type as a first step.