
Solution for the Burrough's Test

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Create a small API to help a small fictional company calculate the dates on which they should pay their sales staff. Company payroll is handled like so:

  • Sales staff are paid a regular fixed base salary each month, plus a regular monthly bonus.

  • Base salaries are paid on the last day of each month unless that day is a Saturday or Sunday (a weekend), in which case they are paid on the Friday before the weekend

  • On the 15th of each month, bonuses are paid for the previous month, unless that day is a weekend, in which case they are paid on the first Wednesday after the 15th.

Your API should accept a date as a parameter, and return the payment dates for the following 12 months, including the supplied date. Results should be returned in CSV format.

Start up

Add .env

Crate .env file and copy .env.example file's content to it


node >=14.17.5
yarn installed

Install all dependencies


Launch the app

yarn start // production mode

yarn start:dev // development mode

yarn test // run tests

You should be able to display salaries.csv by entering the endpoint


IMPORTANT! date param in is required (format YYYY-MM-DD)