
Docker images for Azure Pipeline Agents

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Docker images for Azure Pipeline Agents.


  • Create an Azure Pipelines agent docker image with newer packages, primarly kubectl and helm.
  • Include the latest Azure Pipeline start.sh script compared to the existing microsoft/vsts-agents images.
  • Provide environment variables that can be used as agent demands in pipelines.

The sizes of individual APT packages are listed in package-sizes. The results are retrieved by running

dpkg-query --show --showformat='${Package;-50}\t${Installed-Size}\n' | sort -k 2 -n

inside of the container.

The start.sh script comes from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/agents/docker?view=azure-devops.


The Docker images are hosted in the Docker Hub repository docker.io/gmaresca/azure-pipeline-agent.

Tag Size Notes Dockerfile Versions
ubuntu-18.04-minimal 223MB The bare minimum required to run the agents. Dockerfile v1, v2
ubuntu-18.04-base 4.88GB The image with all generic tools installed as well as Python, Ruby, and the .NET runtime. Dockerfile v1, v2
ubuntu-18.04-dotnet 5.35GB The image with dotnet tools installed. Dockerfile v1, v2
ubuntu-18.04-java 5.71GB The image with Java tools installed. Dockerfile v1, v2
ubuntu-18.04-go 5.27GB The image with Go tools installed. Dockerfile v1, v2
ubuntu-18.04-cpp 5.1GB The image with C++ tools installed. Dockerfile v1, v2
ubuntu-18.04-haskell 5.79GB The image with Haskell tools installed. Dockerfile v1, v2
ubuntu-18.04-standard 7.7GB The image with all of the above tools installed. v1, v2


You can find a Helm chart for running the agents in Kubernetes here.

Generic packages

The following packages are installed in the minimal image (and every other image):

  • ca-certificates
  • curl
  • git
  • jq
  • iputils-ping
  • libicu60
  • libcurl4
  • libunwind8
  • netcat

The following package are also installed in the base image (and every other image besides minimal):

  • apt-transport-https
  • apt-utils
  • bc
  • build-essential
  • bzr
  • chrome
  • cron (v2+)
  • dc
  • dnsutils
  • ed
  • file
  • firefox
  • ftp
  • gawk
  • gettext
  • gnupg
  • go-dep
  • gpg
  • grep
  • iproute2
  • less
  • locales
  • lsb-release
  • make
  • net-tools
  • nmap
  • openssh-client
  • openssl
  • openvpn
  • rsync
  • ssl-cert
  • sudo
  • tcpdump
  • telnet
  • time
  • tree
  • unrar
  • unzip
  • uuid
  • wget
  • zip

Addition software that are also installed:

  • awscli
  • azcopy
  • az
  • docker
  • gcloud
  • helm
  • kubectl
  • mongo-client
  • mysql-client
  • postgresql-client
  • powershell
  • sqlcmd (v2+)
  • sqlite3
  • xq (XML version of jq)
  • yq (YAML version of jq)

Note: although Docker is installed, the standard version of Docker installed does not work in a containerized environment. You must set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable that points to a working Docker instance or mount /var/run/docker.sock from the host for Docker to work.

Environment Variables

All images, besides minimal, have the following environment variables:

  • aws
  • awcli
  • azcopy
  • az
  • azure
  • azurecli
  • chrome
  • cron (v2+)
  • docker
  • firefox
  • gce
  • gcloud
  • mongo
  • mongodb
  • mysql
  • postgresql
  • psql
  • powershell
  • pwsh
  • sqlcmd (v2+)
  • sqlite
  • sqlite3



The v1 images contain the following versions of packages. If the package is not listed here, it will be the version included in Ubuntu 18.04, or the latest if it comes from a third-party repository.

  • Docker: 19.03.1
  • Helm: 2.14.3
  • Kubectl: 1.15.1
  • Powershell: 6.2.2


The v2 images contain the following versions of packages. If the package is not listed here, it will be the version included in Ubuntu 18.04, or the latest if it comes from a third-party repository.

  • Docker: 19.03.4
  • Helm: 2.16.0
  • Kubectl: 1.16.2
  • Powershell: 6.2.3

Language Support


The base image has Python installed to install yq and awscli.

  • python2
  • python3
  • python3-pip

Environment Variables

  • python
  • python2
  • python3
  • pip
  • pip2
  • pip3
  • 2to3 (v2+)
  • python2-config (v2+)
  • python3-config (v2+)


  • clang
  • cpp
  • cppcheck
  • g++
  • gcc

Environment Variables

  • clang
  • c++
  • cpp
  • g++
  • gcc
  • gpp


  • ant
  • clojure (lein)
  • gradle
  • maven
  • openjdk
  • sbt
  • scala


  • Ant 1.10.6
  • Gradle 5.5.1
  • Lein 2.9.1
  • Maven 3.6.1
  • OpenJDK 8u222 JDK
  • OpenJDK 12.0.2 JDK
  • Scala 2.13.0
  • sbt 1.2.8
  • Ant 1.10.6
  • Gradle 5.5.1
  • Lein 2.9.1
  • Maven 3.6.1
  • OpenJDK 8u232 JDK
  • OpenJDK 12.0.2 JDK
  • Scala 2.13.0
  • sbt 1.2.8

Environment Variables

  • ant
  • clojure
  • gradle
  • java
  • lein
  • maven
  • mvn
  • sbt
  • scala


The base image has the C# runtime. The dotnet image has the entire SDK and all other tools.

  • .NET Core SDK
  • coverlet.console (dotnet tool)
  • dotnet-sqldb (dotnet tool)
  • GitVersion.Tool (dotnet tool)
  • nbgv (dotnet tool)


  • .NET Core SDK 2.1.801
  • .NET Core SDK 2.2.401
  • .NET Core SDK 2.1.802
  • .NET Core SDK 3.0.100

Environment Variables

  • coverlet
  • dotnet
  • dotnet-gitversion
  • dotnet-sqldb
  • dotnet-stryker
  • nbgv
  • nuget



  • golang
  • go-dep
  • golang 1.12.7
  • golang 1.13.4

Environment Variables

  • go
  • golang


The base image has Node installed.

  • cjs
  • gjs
  • nodejs
  • npm
  • yarn

Environment Variables

  • node
  • nodejs
  • npm
  • yarn


  • Node 8.10.0


The base image has Ruby installed.

  • bundle
  • bundler
  • erb
  • gem
  • irb
  • rake
  • rdoc
  • ri
  • ruby

Environment Variables

  • gem
  • ruby


Installed version is 8.0.2.

  • haskell-platform

Environment Variables

  • ghc
  • haskell

Docker Hub

View the Docker Hub page.