
A log4j Appender that streams log events to a Kafka topic.

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka Log4J Appender changed for Pega PRPC 7

A Pega log4j Appender that streams log events to a Kafka topic.


	<appender name="KafkaStream" class="net.johnpage.kafka.KafkaLog4JAppender">
		<param name="Topic" value="pega-logs"/>
		<param name="kafkaProducerProperties" value="bootstrap.servers=;value.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer&#10;key.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer&#10;compression.type=snappy&#10;client.id=pega-pe-722"/>
		<layout class="com.pega.pegarules.priv.LogLayoutJSON">
			<param name="userFields" value="sourceLabel:pega-live,ls_type:pega-rules,src-vm:${hostName},src-node:nodename,src-env:${sys:pega.appservername}"/>

This is a Pega Log4J v1 Appender integrated with a Kafka Producer. It streams events as they occur to a remote Kafka queue.

Sample LogStach Configuration

input {
  kafka {
    bootstrap_servers => ""
    topics => ["pega-logs"]
    codec => json

output {
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Example of result events:

    "@logtimestamp" => "2019-07-31T17:17:16.304Z",
            "class" => "?",
       "pegathread" => "STANDARD",
      "source_host" => "srv001",
             "file" => "?",
         "src-node" => "nodename",
       "@timestamp" => 2019-07-31T17:17:16.304Z,
      "logger_name" => "com.pega.pegarules.search.internal.PRSearchProviderImpl",
           "src-vm" => "",
           "method" => "?",
          "ls_type" => "pega-rules",
         "@version" => 1,
      "line_number" => "?",
          "src-env" => "",
      "sourceLabel" => "pega-live",
            "level" => "INFO",
          "message" => "Initialized full text search functionality for this node. Full-text search enabled for node F3962772FF1FEECF62815A313B27FC74",
      "thread_name" => "StartupTaskUtil INITIALIZE_SEARCH"


mvn clean install


  1. Download the kafka-pega-log4j-appender-1.1.jar and import in pega using Application->Distribution->Import wizard.
  2. Edit the prlogging.xml configuration file.
  3. Restart pega application server.

Kafka Producer Properties

A typical Kafka Producer properties can be specified via file that might read as follows:


A complete reference to the producer properties is here.

Built using:

Kafka Version

Tested with Kafka 0.10. Should be backwards compatible with 0.90 and 0.82. These 3 versions rely on the following initialization of the Producer:

new KafkaProducer(Properties properties) 

To use a different version of Kafka, include the desired version on the classpath. Version-appropriate properties will need to be used.