#Cordova plugin for Capptain


This plugin integrates the Capptain SDK into your Cordova/PhoneGap Application. It supports both reporting and push features.

Please refer to the Capptain SDK for more information about the various Capptain concepts.

Supported Platforms

  • iOS
  • Android


To install the plugin, just add it to your Cordova project using your proper Capptain credentials through Cordova variables.

cd <your project>
cordova plugin add capptain-cordova --variable KEY=<value>

Generic Variables

  • CAPPTAIN_ENABLE_LOG : true|false, enable both plugin and capptain native logs
  • CAPPTAIN_REDIRECT_URL : the url schemes of your application when using redirect actions in your campaign. Must be the url prefix without :// (ex: myapp to handle urls such as myapp://shop)

iOS Variables

  • CAPPTAIN_IOS_APP_ID : the Capptain ID of your iOS application
  • CAPPTAIN_IOS_SDK_KEY : the Capptain sdk key
  • CAPPTAIN_IOS_REACH_ICON : the icon used for reach notification : must be the name of the resource with its extension (ex: icon.png)

Android Variables

  • CAPPTAIN_ANDROID_APP_ID : the Capptain ID of your Android application
  • CAPPTAIN_ANDROID_REACH_ICON : the icon used for reach notification : must be the name of the resource without any extension, nor drawable prefix (ex: icon)
  • CAPPTAIN_GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER : the project number used as the GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) sender ID

To remove the plugin,

cordova plugin rm capptain-cordova


Once the deviceready event has been triggered by the Cordova framework, a Capptain object is available to interact with the native Capptain SDK.

  • Capptain.startActivity
  • Capptain.endActivity
  • Capptain.sendAppInfo
  • Capptain.startJob
  • Capptain.endJob
  • Capptain.sendEvent
  • Capptain.onOpenURL
  • Capptain.registerForRemoteNotification
  • Capptain.getStatus


Start a new activty with the corresponding extra infos object.

Capptain.startActivity(_activityName, _extraInfos,[ _success], [_failure]);
  • _activityName: the name of the activity
  • _extraInfos: a json object containing the extra infos attached to this activity


Ends the current Actvity. Would trigger a new session on the next startActivity

Capptain.endActivity([ _success], [_failure]);


Send an event with the corresponding extra infos object.

Capptain.sendEvent(_eventName, _extraInfos,[ _success], [_failure]);
  • _eventName: the name of the event
  • _extraInfos: a json object containing the extra infos attached to this event


Start an new job with the corresponding extra infos object.

Capptain.startJob(_jobName, _extraInfos,[ _success], [_failure]);
  • _jobName: the name of the job
  • _extraInfos: a json object containing the extra infos attached to this job


End a job previously created by startJob

Capptain.endJob(_jobName,[ _success], [_failure]);
  • _jobName: the name of the job


Send App Infos atttached to the currente device.

Capptain.sendAppInfo( _appInfos,[ _success], [_failure]);
  • _appInfos: the json object containing the app infos to be sent


Set an event handler when an application specific URL is triggered (from a push campaign for example). The URL scheme must match the one defined in the $CAPPTAIN_REDIRECT_URL setting

Capptain.onOpenURL( _urlHandler,[ _success], [_failure]);


  • _urlHandler: the handler that is passed the url that has been triggerd


	Capptain.onOpenURL(function(_url) {
			console.log("user triggered url/action "+_url);


Register the application to receive push notifications on iOS (this function does nothing on the other platforms)

Capptain.registerForPushNotification( [_success], [_failure]);


Returns information about the Capptain library

Capptain.getStatus( _statusCallback, [_failure]);
  • _statusCallback: the handler that is passed a json object containing information about the Capptain library
	Capptain.getStatus(function(_info) {
		    console.log("Capptain SDK Version : "+_info.capptainVersion);
		      console.log("Capptain plugin Version : "+_info.pluginVersion);



  • Updated Licence


  • Fixed typos in the readme.md
  • Using capptain-cordova as the new plugin Id


  • Replaced hooks with Cordova Variables
  • Using cordova-plugin-ms-capptain as the new plugin Id


  • Updated Capptain iOS SDK to 1.16.2
  • Updated Capptain Android SDK to 2.4.1
  • Using swizzling to remove ld warning on iOS
  • Adding deferred Remote Notification


  • Initial Release