
Realtime Hand Tracking Unity Package

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Realtime Hand

Unity AR package to track your hand in realtime!

As seen on "Let's All Be Wizards!" : https://apps.apple.com/app/id1609685010


  • 60 FPS hand detection
  • 3D Bones world detection

Sample Videos



  • Unity 2020.3 LTS
  • ARFoundation
  • iPhone with Lidar support (iPhone 12+ Pro)


  • Add the package RealtimeHand to your manifest
  • Add the SwiftSupportpackage to enable swift development
  • Check the RealtimeHandSample for usage



  • screenPos: 2D position in normalized screen coordinates;
  • texturePos: 2D position in normalized CPU image coordinates;
  • worldPos: 3D position in worldpsace
  • name: name of the joint, matching the native one
  • distance: distance from camera in meter
  • isVisible: if the joint has been identified (from the native pose detection)
  • confidence: confidence of the detection


Do most of the heavy work for you : just add it to your project, and subscribe to the ``HandUpdated` event to be notified when a hand pose has been detected


  • Create a GameObject
  • Add the RealtimeHandManagercomponent
  • Configure it with the ARSession, ARCameraManager, AROcclusionManagerobjects
  • Subscribe to Action<RealtimeHand> HandUpdated;to be notified

OcclusionManager must be configured with temporalSmoothing=Off and mode=fastestfor optimal result


If you want to have a full control on the flow, you can manually intialize and call the hand detection process : more work, but more control.


  • IsInitialized : to check if the object has been properly initialized (ie: the ARSession has been retrieved)
  • IsVisivle: to know if the hand is currently visible or not
  • Joints: dictionary of the all the joints


  • Initialize(ARSession _session, ARCameraManager _arCameraManager, Matrix4x4 _unityDisplayMatrix) : initialize the object with the required components

The session must be in tracking mode

  • Dispose() : release the component and it resources
  • Process( CPUEnvironmentDepth _environmentDepth, CPUHumanStencil _humanStencil ) : launch the detection method using the depth buffers

Check the RealtimeHandManageras an example

Under the hood

When a camera frame is received :

  • Execute synchronously VNDetectHumanHandPoseRequest to retrieve a 2D pose estimation from the OS
  • Retrieve the environmentDepth and 'humanStencil CPU images
  • From the 2D position of each bone, extract its 3D distance using the depth images to reconstruct a 3D position



  • Fix compatibility with Unity 2020.3
  • Added Lightning Shader & effects
  • Initial Release