
A simple web application for determining a user's negativity or positivity from their twitter posts

Primary LanguageVue


Install NodeJS and npm, note node package manager is included when installing NodeJS

After installing open your terminal and type in the command

npm install @vue/cli -g

This will install the vuejs command line interface to your computer and provide a path so that you can run vue commands from any folder on terminal.

git clone "repo name"

change directory into the social analytics application and run the command:

npm install

this will install all the necessary packages to the application to run

To launch the application locally on your computer type the command:

npm run serve

You can then use a web browser to see it at: http://localhost:8080/

For making changes Create a local test branch and also a test branch on the repo on Github. When you have something that you think works, assign someone else to do a code review. Once someone signs up that the code does what it was written to do, merge the code into the existing main branch.

If you're making modifications to the README.md file please use this markdown cheatsheet to make changes. TESTING CHANGE