
the list of questions to developers

Decisions Developer Interview


  1. Can you describe your common working day?
  2. What are the responsibilities and role you take on your current job?
  3. What was your recent project/task? Did you solve some interesting problem that you want to talk about?
  4. Do you have a Code Review process at your current job? If you do, then how it is going? If you have any kind of argue with your colleague how do you settle it?
  5. Do you have some Pet Projets? Do you spend your personal time for studying the programming?
  6. Do you usually try to increase the health level of the codebase? Example?
  7. Do you visit the conferences/meetups? Why you do or don't?
  8. How do you like being developer and why?
  9. What’s your most success and failure stories in your career?


  1. OOP. Three main object-oriented design principles?
  2. Principles. SOLID, KISS, DRY etc.
  3. Patterns. Which patterns you have used in your practice?
  4. Which Control Version Systems you've been used? What's the difference between SVN and GIT? Which Git commands are mostly used?
  5. What approaches or tools you use to debug and troubleshoot?
  6. Have you ever measure the performance? If yes, what tool(s) you find useful?


  1. Multithreading. [extend].
  2. Which HTTP запросы do you know? Get vs. Post?
  3. What's the difference between Http and Https?
  4. What is ORM? Which ones are known?
  5. When you may need to write up a Stored Procedure?
  6. What's the difference between InnerJoin and LeftJoin?


  1. How does C# handle encapsulation?
  2. Explain nullable types.
  3. Extension methods.
  4. What's difference between throw and throw ex?
  5. When you would choose to define a type as a struct instead of class and why?
  6. Stack vs. Heap?
  7. Yield.
  8. Generics.


  1. Do you test your code? How you do it?
  2. Do you write Automated Tests?
  3. What types of Automated Tests you know? Unit Tests vs. Integration vs. End-to-End?


  1. Difference var vs. let vs. const ?
  2. What is this? How to explicitely set context for a function?
  3. function vs. Arrow function?
  4. Closure?
  5. Higher order function?
  6. Pure function?
  7. Ajax?
  8. Promise? Async/Await?
  9. Where would you save the autorization token? Cookies, sessions, localStorage, sessionStorage, indexedDB.


  1. What HTML 5 tags you know? Why they were introduced?
  2. What is the website accessibility? Why it is important?


  1. How would you make the content to look different on devices with different resolution?
  2. Can you apply styles only for specific browsers in CSS?
  3. What display types you know? block vs. inline-block.
  4. What is CSS preprocessor and what kind of problems they solve?
  5. What is pseudo-elements and when they can be used?
  6. What is specificity?
  7. What kind of problems you faced using CSS?