
A Clojure library for detecting locations in Norwegian texts

Primary LanguageClojure


A library for finding locations in Norwegian texts. Through development, focus have been on processing online news articles.

clj-egsiona currently only supports the Linux platform, because of the The-Oslo-Bergen-Tagger's supported platforms. You can get around this by using clj-obt-service, which exposes the functionality of clj-obt as a web service. This makes it possible to use clj-egsiona in a Windows setting, either from an external server or locally with a virtual machine running Linux.

Through development, this project was evaluated whith a corpus of 113 articles restricted mainly to the region of Hordaland. The metrics achieved was recall of 93.6%, precision of 69.1% and f-measure of 76.8%. It has not been tested thoroughly on other data sets, so your mileage may vary.


clj-egsiona is on Clojars.

[clj-egsiona "0.1.4]

At the very least you need to configure OBT, but it's recommended to use a database for caching.

In clj-egsiona.core to use a local OBT installation:

(set-obt "/home/ogrim/bin/The-Oslo-Bergen-Tagger")

To use the web service as hosted by clj-obt-service:

(set-obt "")

A database is used for persistence of tagged texts. In clj-egsiona.core use set-db to configure database settings. No special stuff is done, so you can use SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc. PostgreSQL configuration will look like this:

(set-db {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
         :subprotocol "postgresql"
         :subname  "//localhost:5432/database-name"
         :user "username"
         :password "password"})

Or if you are using SQLite, it will look like this:

(set-db {:classname   "org.sqlite.JDBC"
         :subprotocol "sqlite"
         :subname     "database.db"})

If it is the first time using the database, there is a function to create the required table:



Call process-text to get the result as simple text:

(process-text "Vennligst finn ut om Stavanger eller Sandnes er lokasjoner. De er begge byer i Rogaland.")

=> ("sandnes" "rogaland" "stavanger")

If you want better granularity, use process-locations to get more data:

(process-locations "Vennligst finn ut om Stavanger eller Sandnes er lokasjoner. De er begge byer i Rogaland.")

=> {:address ("Sandnes"), :counties ("rogaland"), :countries (), :regions (), :eu-route (),
    :grammar ({:tags ["subst" "prop" "<*>"], :lemma "Stavanger", :word "Stavanger", :i 5}
              {:tags ["subst" "prop" "<*land>" "<*>"], :lemma "Rogaland", :word "Rogaland", :i 16})}


Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Aleksander Skjæveland Larsen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.