
A Clojure NNTP library wrapping Apache Commons Net NNTP

Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Clojure NNTP library wrapping Apache Commons Net NNTP.

Still only bare bones, more or less a proof-of-concept. Currently I only need to post articles to my private server, for consumption by gnus. Therefore the efficacy of this library may be limited.


Many of the functions in clj-nntp takes a server specification as a map.

(def server
  {:hostname ""
   :port 119
   :username "ogrim"
   :password "1234"})

What newsgroups are on the server?

(newsgroups server)

You can post an article to a group. Specify the article like this:

(def article
  {:from "gul.dukat@example.com"
   :subject "That space station"
   :body "It is mine, please go away."
   :newsgroup "clj.clj-nntp.dev"
   :organization "Cardassian Union"})

And post it like so, it will return true|false:

(post-article server article)

And now I can read my article in gnus (or any other client of your preference)

Alt text


Copyright © 2014 Aleksander Skjæveland Larsen

Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, the same as Apache Commons Net.