
Clojure org-mode parser.

Primary LanguageClojure


Simple org-mode parser in clojure.

Some regexps and logic flagrantly stolen from org-ruby and PyOrgMode.

Also supports custom org-todo-keywords and file encodings.


Leiningen dependency information:

[org.clojars.ogrim/organum "0.2.0"]
(use 'organum.core)
(parse-file "test.org")

If you have custom tags in your org mode, you can specify what organum should use:

(use 'organum.core)
(parse-file "test.org" :org-todo-keywords ["NEXT" "DONE" "CANCELED"] :encoding "ISO-8859-1"])

Copyright Greg Hawkins 2012.

Fork Copyright Aleksander Skjæveland Larsen 2014.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.