
Simulation Based Inference for the important problem of drawing digits

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simulation Based Inference for the important problem of drawing digits.

Status: Work In Progress

Currently writing the simulator. No machine learning and no inference yet.


This is a learning experiment to teach my-self Simulation Based Inference on a high-dimensional problem that is simple enough to be used as an education resource, but high dimensional enough to highlight challenges of SBI applications to scientific domains.

The goal is to infer an estimate of the posterior distribution of the parameters of a mechanistic model that draws MNIST-style digits using modern Neural Network based inference scheme.

Some references on SBI:

  • The frontier of simulation-based inference, Cranmer et al., PNAS 2020 (paper)

  • Benchmarking Simulation-Based Inference, Lueckmann et al., ICML 2021 (paper, code)

The MNIST simulator

The first step is to build a forward, mechanistic model of the data generating process. We decide to approximate the prodcess of a human drawing the curve of a digit on a piece of paper using a smooth cubic Bézier curve with a few segments.

The control points of consecutive cubic segments are symmetrised to impose smoothness:

Each segment is rendered by a few tens of intermediary points on the path:

The result is then rasterized on a 28 x 28 pixel grid by using a saturated Gaussian blur applied to approximately even spaced points of the Bezier path.

The rasterization process it-self has unkown parameters: the density of dots per segments, the thickness and the saturation parameters for instance.