
Emulates human to generate random timeseries of web session activity

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Emulates human to generate random timeseries of web session activity

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Produces a sequence of numbers 0 - 86399 (nth second within the day) that represent the timings of all the google searches comimg from a regular google user.


  > var human = require('humanlike');
  > var today = (new Date((new Date()).getFullYear(), (new Date()).getMonth(), (new Date()).getDate()))
  > human(10).forEach(function(t) { console.log(new Date(today.now()+ t*1000).toString().split(" ")[4]) });

 > human(100).forEach(function(t) {
     var millisecs = today.now()+t*1000 - Date.now()
     if (millisecs > 0 ) setTimeout(do_something,milisecs)


The sequence of seconds genarated by the function is randomized so as it is different every time. The first parameter controls (approximately) the length of the resulting array.

It uses a simple model to approximate the human activity :

  • a user has regular online activity patterns that repeat approximately every day
  • the activity follows a typical "9-5" working day
  • weekdays differ from weekends both in term of the intensity of activity (weekends sporadic) as well as in terms of when online access starts/ends
  • during the course of a day they occassionally need to google something at which point they performs a sequence of consecutive searches until they find what they are looking for or give up
  • during the course of a day the number of such sessions can be approximated with a poisson distribution based on the mean # of searches per day
  • search sessions can be assumed to be uniformely spread throughout the course of the person's online activity
  • online activity start/end follows a normal distribution of the habitual times.
  • interval between subsequent searches are also normal distribution of the time it takes to assess the result
  • given that every search can bring the desired result to the user - a bernoulli distribution/coin-toss can be used to determine if a user finds or not the result (if not search again). The fairness p of the coin toss can be derived by the mean # of searches in a session - which can be a configurable parameter (how search-smart the user is).

Given the model above the function's primary parameter (# of searches per day) can be used together with the poisson derived # of session to determine the # of sessions in the day. Due to potential overlap a session is not guaranteed to finish - the user may "jump" to google sth else.

The function allows for timezone offset, as well as a parameter that can be used to determine the day of the week (e.g. weekday vs weekend behavior variation)

The function could be used by someone that wants to emulate a user that accesses any site - not just searching.

Model defaults

var defaults = {
  weekday_start_hour : [9,0.3], // normal 9am mean sigma 0.3
  weekday_end_hour : [18,0.3], // normal 6pm mean sigma 0.3
  weekend_start_hour : [10,0.4], // normal 10am mean sigma 0.4
  weekend_end_hour : [21,0.4], // normal 9pm mean sigma 0.4
  weekend_sessions : 8, // poisson lambda 8
  searches_in_session : 4, // bernoulli p=0.25 => mean tosses 1/p => 4
  search_interval : [30,5] // normal 30secs mean sigma 5 secs


 *  @total approximate rate of searches per day
 *  @when  timestamp for which date should be used - leave null for now 
 *  @tz_offset  if human at east coast GMT-5 and server at west coast GMT-8 then tzoffset=3
 *  @opts overrides defaults hash above
module.exports = function(total,when,tz_offset,opts) {


Installing the module

npm install humanlike