Service provides the basic support for a multi-tasking pool of workers, their manager as well as the business users that are submitting tasks that need to be done.
title : 'email me some positive thoughts. I am feeling down!'
/*title or short description of the task
displayed prominently in task listings and such
some listing display shorter portions if you put a long title
expect to be shown in many places with ellipsis
required */
description : ''
/* longer/full description of the task
typically displayed when showing a single task
empty */
deadline : date
/*deadline for the task
datetime in whatever is the standard form an API
default to 24 hrs from submission time
negative or 0 means asap and changes into now (plus + estimate)*/
estimate : 300 //assuming that the units is "seconds"
/*submitter expectation of time that it would take to finish the task
in whatever is the standard unit for time apis
default => 1 hr*/
owner : ''
/*who this task is for
using email because it makes the API more easy to use..everyone has the email
quite possibly internally the app should always be recording user-id but allow
incoming user references to be email based and outgoing user references are also
converted into the "user's current email" for api friendlyness
default : the currently authenticated user*/
tags : 'tag1 tag2'
/*string of tags separated by whitespace
tags are used as the catch-all instead of structured filtering (list-ing) for now*/
state : 'current task state'
/* one of these string values:
'worked on'
In response the POST call returns the newly created object which includes filled in defaulted empty attributes, (equiv to GET /tasks/5768)
The above should be support the use case of the add command.
description: 'description string',
deadline: date,
estimate: ,
owner: 'owner email',
properties: {key: value},
state: 'queued/worked on/deleted/done',
_id: task_id,
_created_by: 'creator email',
_created_on: date,
_last_modified_on: date,
_worked_by: 'worker email',
_worked_on: date,
_work_status: 'active/suspended/success/failure',
_completed_on: date,
_tags: 'first_tag second_tag'
Returns list of N tasks with the given status and owner (status must be one of the following strings: 'queued/active/suspended/completed/deleted')
title : 'email me some positive thoughts. I am feeling down!'
description :
deadline : '2015-11-20T17:31:33Z'
estimate : 300
owner : ''
tags : 'tag1 tag2'
/* system attrs */
_id : task_id
_created_by : ''
_created_on : '2015-11-20T17:26:33Z'
_last_modified_on : '2015-11-20T17:26:33Z'
_state : 'queued'
_worked_by : '' // if the task is under the control of a worker which worker that is
_worked_on : '2015-11-20T17:26:33Z' // if the task is under the control of a worker .. when it was last grabbed */
_work_status : suspended or active // if the task is under the control of a worker
_completion_status : success or failure // if the test is completed
_completed_on : '2015-11-20T17:26:33Z' // if the test is completed
Returns task information
_id : 5768
title : 'email me some positive thoughts. I am feeling down!'
description :
deadline : '2015-11-20T17:31:33Z'
estimate : 300
owner : ''
=> returns the updated object same as GET /tasks/5768
Updating an existing task with PUT or whatever is the right convention for the update of an existing object
Given the minimal need for this I am trying to keep the implementation as simple as possible.
For simplicity, the complete object is being replaced,
ie, if a parameter is missing we do not keep existing values, we simply follow the same defaulting
logic that we follow on add
to generate defaults for the missing parameters.
Also, note that for now we do not allow tag update (more complex will need tag add and tag remove functionality)
The only "business logic" is that we only allow a task to be updated if it is in queued
Descriptive error messages are generated otherwise, e.g.
Cannot Update. Task is (being worked on|completed|deleted)
Task does not exist.
The above should be able to support the use case of update command
It sets the state to "deleted" - which is considered a final state
Only queued tasks are allowed to be deleted
returns the deleted object same as GET /tasks/5768
Descriptive error messages are generated on error
Cannot Delete. Task is (being worked on|completed)
Task does not exist.
Removes task and all events for this task from database
This command shows chronological history of events and some additional timing information for selected task
events : [// complete chronoligical history of events
{ when : '2015-11-20T17:31:33Z', who : '', what : 'grab' },
{ when : '2015-11-20T17:31:33Z', who : '', what : 'grab' },
{ when : '2015-11-20T17:31:33Z', who : '', what : 'grab' },
{ when : '2015-11-20T17:31:33Z', who : '', what : 'grab' },
{ when : '2015-11-20T17:31:33Z', who : '', what : 'grab' },
// some aggregates on top of the history of the events
time_elapsed // time since first submitted
time_worked_on //time the task has spent being the active task of the current worker (only if in-progress)
time_suspended // time the task has spent suspended by the current worker (only if in-progress)
time_queued // total time in the queue
time_rejected // total time under the control of users that eventually released the task without completing it
times_rejected // how many times the current task has been rejected by prior users
Returns a list of tasks, which state is "queued". Maximum 100 tasks
returns array in the same format as GET /tasks
Returns a list of tasks ordered (1st most urgent ) up to N if N missing returns just 1 In the simplest form it can return tasks based on order requested
returns array in the the same format as GET /tasks
id : ''
if user tries to login from slack
text: 'You are now logged in! You can start working.'
token: uuid
Login current user
_id : 4567 // a worker-id
userid : ''
loggedin_on : date
status: 'loggedout/loggedin'
Returns a list of users from the database
if user is working from slack
text: 'You have just logged out! See you again'
else returns empty object
Logs out current user
Loads user's tasks from database and sets the first task active ("foreground" state)
returns fully filled task item
Sets selected task active ("foreground" state). If selected task is not in queue then throws error message
returns fully filled task item
Updates task status If selected status is "fg" then task becomes active If status is "bg" then task becomes suspended If status is "release" then task returns to the task queue without completing If status is "complete-success" then task becomes successfully completed If status is "complete-failure" then task becomes completed(but with failure)
returns informational messages
userid : ''
loggedin_on : date
status: 'loggedout/loggedin'
Loads user info from database and returns it
userid : ''
loggedin_on : date
status: 'loggedout/loggedin'
Returns array containing currently logged users
user: '',
date: date,
action: 'action string',
task_id: task_id
Returns not more than N events in chronological order with event type=type for user=user or for task=task_id.
If user is set than task is ignored.
Event type must be one of the following string:
- loginout
- add
- update
- peek
- suspend
- activate
- release
- complete-success
- complete-failure
- grab
- delete
- login
- logout