
📍 SvelteKit x Tauri x TailwindCSS desktop widget application. Functions include application launch, timer, memo, music playback, etc.

Primary LanguageSvelte


⚙️ Add a component

🔑 Available Keys

  • name
  • icon
  • path
  • url
  • default

If a url is present, a component is generated that opens the specified page.
If app is present, a component that opens the specified app is generated.


    "name": "GitHub",
    "icon": "Github",
    "url": "https://github.com",
    "default": true

🤖 Create and Execute

$ make run

📷 Creating icons from components.json

$ make download-icons
  "name": "",
  "icon": "",
  "url": "",
  "path": "",
  "default": true

🎵 Adding BGM from YouTube

$ brew install youtube-dl ffmpeg
$ cd static/music
$ youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 <video-url>

TailwindCSS can be used in the memo