
High performance video for the mobile web

Primary LanguageHTML

High performance video for the web

Thia code has the resources you need for the codelab High performance video for the web.

Framegrab with captions from Big Buck Bunny, an open source film created by blender.org

© Copyright 2008, Blender Foundation | bigbuckbunny.org

This is a work in progress. If you find a mistake or have a suggestion, please file an issue. Thanks!

You can view a completed version of each step live at googlecodelabs.github.io/adaptive-web-media. This is a GitHub Pages site that corresponds to the gh-pages branch of this repo.

What you'll learn

  • Techniques to make the most of the video element.
  • Easy ways to implement subtitles, captions and descriptions.
  • The basics of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH).
  • How to build a simple adaptive streaming video player.
  • Media delivery testing across devices and different bandwidths.

What you'll need

  • Chrome 47 or above
  • Web Server for Chrome, or use your own web server of choice.
  • The sample code
  • A text editor
  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript