Repository for the poject of Policy Priority Inference for Uruguay

Primary LanguagePython

Policy Priority Inference for the Sustainable Development of Uruguay

This is the public repository for the code and data of the project: Policy Priority Inference for the Sustainable Development of Uruguay. The project stems from the research program: Policy Priority Inference (PPI), developed at The Alan Turing Institute by Omar Guerrero and Gonzalo Castañeda. This project has been sponsored by the United Nations Development Program for Latin-America and the Caribbean (UNDP), and has been developed in collaboration with the Office for Budgetary Planification of Uruguay.

In this repository you will find the necessary data and code to replicate the analysis presented in the two reports produced for the project. The different pages in this repository provide all the necessary references to the official documentation from which the data were constructed. Likewise, here you will find all the code and documentation required to analyse the data through the project's methodology. Should you have any further inquiries please contact Omar Guerrero at oguerrero@turing.ac.uk.

Getting started

The following activities are recommended to get started.

Before you start: become familiar with the model

PPI is an economic model, so reading the scientific work behind the model is encouraged. The examples in this repository are based on the following resources.

  1. How do governments determine policy priorities? Studying development strategies through spillover networks. Gonzalo Castañeda, Florian Chávez-Juárez, Omar A. Guerrero. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 154, 2018,Pages 335-361. Open-access pre-print available here.
  2. Inferencia de Prioridades de Política para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Reporte Metodológico (Link will be available soon), Gonzalo Castañeda and Omar A. Guerrero. Methodological paper describing the adaptation of the core model to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In Spanish.
  3. Inferencia de Prioridades de Política para el Desarrollo Sostenible: Una Aplicación para el Caso de México (Link will be available soon). Gonzalo Castañeda and Omar A. Guerrero. Document with a country level analysis for Mexico. Many of the code examples in this repository stem from this study.
  4. Inferencia de Prioridades de Política para el Desarrollo Sostenible: El Caso Sub-Nacional de México (Link will be available soon). Gonzalo Castañeda and Omar A. Guerrero. Document with a sub-national level analysis for Mexico. Many of the code examples in this repository stem from this study.

In addition, the two reports generated by the project are:

  1. Inferencia de Prioridades de Política para el Desarrollo Sostenible: El Caso de la República Oriental del Uruguay (Link will be available soon). Gonzalo Castañeda and Omar A. Guerrero. It demonstrates the use of PPI 2.0 (the adaptation of PPI to the SDGs) for the case of Uruguay.
  2. Las Prioridades Presupuestales y el Desarrollo Sostenible: El Caso de la República Oriental del Uruguay (Link will be available soon). Gonzalo Castañeda and Omar A. Guerrero. It introduces PPI 3.0, which can incorporate empirical budgetary data.

Preparing your own analyses

Once you are sufficiently familiar with the model and the code, you can start running your own models. In the folders report_1 and report_2 you can find all necessary files and data to run the analysis.

Once the data has been properly pre-processed, you can estimate the conditional-dependency network with your preferred method. In the above-mentioned reports, the R-package sparsebn has been used.