
A library and command-line tool to encode and decode applicaiton secrets using a key in the local filesystem

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A library and CLI tool to encrypt and decrypt sensitive application secrets, and manage encryption keys.


To use programatically in your project

$ npm install --save terces

To use as a CLI tool to manage secret keys an create secret tokens:

$ npm install -g terces

How to Use

terces CLI

$ terces

  Usage: terces [options] [command]


    decode|token <token>       decode the given JWT token
    encode|payload <JSONData>  encode the given JSON payload string
    set-key|key <key>          Set the key value at key-path (~/.terces, by default)


    -h, --help             output usage information
    -V, --version          output the version number
    -k, --key <key>        use key string
    -S, --key-path <path>  path to key file, (~/.terces, by default)
    -D, --dryrun           no writes to the filesystem
    -v, --verbose          log extra info to console

First, set a key for your host with

$ terces set-key <your key>

or copy a key from another host. Default path for the key file is ~/.terces and the default permissions set is 640.

Then you'll need to encode your application secrets that you want to consume in your node project:

$ terces encode '{"applicationSecret":"secret12345"}'

this command will output a JWT token encoded with your terces key. This token can be packaged with your application build or set on an ENV variable and then decoded during run time, where the sensitive, decoded JSON data can be stored in memory.

terces Library

In you application code import the terces module to decode the token.

var terces = require('terces');
var secretData = terces.decode(jwtToken);
secretData.applicationSecret; // 'secret12345';

terces.decode will use the key located at ~/.terces by default, but you target a different path using

terces.decode(jwtToken, { path: '/etc/terces/mykeyfile' });

or if you want to use your own in-memory keyValue, without terces caching it, use

terces.decode(jwtToken, { noCache: true }, myKeyValue);

...or you can use any JWT library since it's just a valid JWT token. :)_