
Userland CLI utility to capture frames from Vimicro vc088x SoC camera (Viewsonic Viewpad 10e)

Primary LanguageC


Userland CLI utility to capture frames from Vimicro vc088x SoC camera (Viewsonic Viewpad 10e)

Right now this is a quick and dirty example of squeezing image data from a very closed and proprietary VC088x chip. The official driver for it is not v4l-compatible and there is no source code for a libcamera library using it.

So if you're about to dig into this mess (or a similar mess from another brand), this code will help you. A little.




Capturing raw stream:

    ./ioctl | pv > raw.yuv

Encoding pipeline (experimental):

    ./ioctl | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuyv422 -s 1280x1024 -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast capture.mp4