
software for analyzing (strong) gravitational lensing

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

glafic version 2

glafic is a software for studying gravitational lensing. Use it at your own risk; the author shall not take any responsibility for loss or damage caused by the use of this software. The binary files are available at this URL. If you use this software (or any modified version of it) for your research work, please cite the following paper:

and if anfw or ahern model is used it would be appropriate to also cite the following paper:


glafic requires cfitsio, fftw3, and gsl to compile. Please make sure you have the library and header files in your system. If not, you can download them at this URL for cfitsio, this URL for fftw, and this URL for gsl, or can install with homebrew on macOS. After installing those libraries, you can simply run


to compile glafic and create an executable file.

Updates from version 1

Because of new implementation of multiple lens plane gravitational lensing, input files for version 2 are not compatible with those for version 1. Below I list important updates and tips for switching from version 1 to version 2.

  • Since multiple lens redshifts are now allowed, in version 2 lens redshifts are specified as one of model parameters of each lens, rather than as a primary parameter. This means that the code uses 8 parameters to characterize each lens component, in contrast to 7 parameters adopted in version 1. Input files need to be modified to reflect this change. Since the labeling of model parameters of lens components is also changed (e.g., in version 2, 3rd and 4th model parameters refer to the central position of the lens component, rather than 2nd and 3rd model parameters used in version 1), prior files used in optimization should also be modified in most cases.

  • In version 2 routines from Numerical Recipes are no longer used in order to make the source code publicly available. Several routines such as numerical integrations, random number generation, optimizations, and interpolations, are changed from version 1 to version 2. In addition, some constants such as speed of light are also updated to include more digits. Because of these changes, output values can be slightly different between version 1 and 2, even for the exactly same input parameters. The differences should be small enough in most cases though.

  • Python interface is added such that some glafic routines can be called from python (see below).

Python interface

glafic can be run with python. Some examples can be found in test_python directory. To run glafic on python, please first try

make python

in your python environment to see if a library file is successfully created as python/glafic/glafic.so. Then you can run

pip install .

in the directory where setup.py is located to install glafic. Once glafic is installed, you can use glafic in your python scripts simply by importing the module as import glafic.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments regarding glafic, please contact Masamune Oguri.

History (only version 2)

date version comments
2024.10.02 2.1.10 another option for chi2_usemag added
2024.05.27 2.1.9 gaupot lens model added
2023.12.06 2.1.8 getpar_* commands added for the python interface
2023.11.30 2.1.7 minor bug fix
2023.05.04 2.1.6 optpoint and optextend added for the python interface
2022.10.29 2.1.5 coord2xy and xy2coord added, bug fix
2022.09.26 2.1.4 crline lens model added, flag_outpot added
2022.05.05 2.1.3 init_file added for the python interface
2021.08.31 2.1.2 flatfix added, bug fix
2021.07.27 2.1.1 mcmc_kapcum and mcmc_findimg command added
2021.06.22 2.1.0 anfw and ahern lens models added, c2calc and reset_obs_point command added
2021.05.19 2.0.0 first release of version 2
2021.05.03 2.0b6 use a fast analytic calculation for pow by default
2021.04.30 2.0b5 jaffe extended source model added
2021.04.27 2.0b2 python interface added
2021.03.23 2.0b1 uploaded beta 1 version to github