
Django BlackBlaze B2 Storage

Primary LanguagePython

BACKBLAZE B2 Storage for Django

BackBlaze B2 Storage for django.

###installation via PIP:

pip install django-backblazeb2-storage


clone this repo locally using git clone git@github.com:royendgel/django-backblazeb2-storage.git and run python setup.py install


Set this in ypour settings (usualy settings.py)

BACKBLAZEB2_ACCOUNT_ID = 'your-account-id'
BACKBLAZEB2_APP_KEY = 'your-app-key'
BACKBLAZEB2_BUCKET = 'bucketname'

To make it your default django storage :

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'b2_storage.B2Storage'

if you are making alot of api calls I recommend you to use the b2_storage.authorise, it stores the seconds in your database and reuses the authorisation_token for other calls. for this you need to include 'b2_storage.authorise', in your INSTALLED_APPS

Storage Implimentation :

  • save

    Save the file (overwrite if it already exists)

  • open

    Open a file using the filename (the latest version of the file).

  • delete

    Deletes the file (all versions of the file)

some notes :

Everytime you overwrite a file in backblaze b2 it will create a new file version. When you download the file the latest version will be downloaded. this is the same behavior as s3 but it is enabled be default.