
Welcome to my GitHub repository housing comprehensive handwritten notes from the IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional certification. Dive into detailed insights covering network security, incident response, threat intelligence, and more. Enhance your cybersecurity expertise as we learn together.

IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate Notes

Welcome to the IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate Notes repository! This repository contains my handwritten notes from the IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional certification program. These notes are intended to serve as a valuable resource for anyone interested in gaining insights into the field of cybersecurity.

Topics Covered

  • Network Security
  • Incident Response
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Security Operations
  • Cloud Security
  • Risk Management
  • Compliance and Regulations

About the Notes

These notes are a compilation of my studies, practical experiences, and insights gained during the IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional certification journey. They are organized by topic, making it easier to navigate and find relevant information quickly.

Feel free to explore, use, and contribute to this repository. If you find any errors, have suggestions for improvements, or would like to add your own insights, please consider opening an issue or submitting a pull request. Collaboration is key to enhancing our collective knowledge in the cybersecurity field.

How to Use

You can browse the notes by navigating through the folders based on the topics of interest. Each topic contains detailed notes, diagrams, and explanations to help you grasp key concepts.

To contribute, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your changes
  3. Make your changes and improvements
  4. Open a pull request describing your contributions

Connect with Me

Let's connect and continue our cybersecurity learning journey together! Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/indrajithsb/


These notes are for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for official IBM course materials or documentation. Use them as a supplement to your studies and practical experiences.

Happy learning and stay secure!