
An extendible bot implementation, plugin based architecture written in python

Primary LanguagePython


An extendible irc bot implementation, plugin based architecture

##Writing a plugin class NewPlugin(BasePlugin):

    def __init__(self):
        self.commands = [
            # Two parameters, first is the function to call,
            # Second is the rules of the command.
            # If command equals print then call print_something
            (self.print_something, {'equals':'print'}),
            # If command starts with printargs call print_arguments
            (self.print_arguments, {'startswith':'printargs '}),

    def print_something(self, channel, msg):
        self.bot.msg(channel, 'something')
        # Some commands may say 'No this is not my command'
        # even after the function called, so we should return
        # a True
        return True
    def print_arguments(self, channel, msg):
        self.bot.msg(channel, 'Args: ' + ' '.join(msg.split()[1:]))
        return True

Add the plugin to the plugins folder, and add it to the conf.py file

##Currently implemented plugins:

##=repo stats plugin=

Command: ;github username repo
Prints watchers and stars for that repo

##=alias plugin=
Command: ;alias showpanpazilla github huseyinalb panpazilla
Adds showpanpazilla alias so we can shortly write ;showpanpazilla
;alias hello (pr "hello channel, i am panpazilla")
Adds hello alias so we can shortly write ;hello to exec dedi code
Command: ;alias remove showpanpazilla
removes showpanpazilla from aliases, must be master to call this command, master is hardcoded now
Command: ;aliases
lists aliases

##=help plugin= displays help, hardcoded for now

##=dedi plugin= A scheme subset language (Dedi Programming Language) plugin, it includes a very basic parser that ignores what it cant parse
Dedi interpreter is included

  • ;(pr (+ 5 (+ 2 4)))

add 2 with 4, add with 5 and print

  • ;(pr "asdasdsa")

print this string

  • ;(pr (+ "asdasda" "asdasdsa"))

append strings and print

  • ;(pr (sum (l 2 3 4)))

find sum of the list and print

  • ;(pr (h (la (l 2 3) 1)))

add 1 to the list, take head and print it

  • ;(la (l 1 2) (l 2 3))

append lists