
I share my work on C#.

Primary LanguageC#



I made 3 desktop applications with C# first start topics.

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C# iF - ELSE

If else codes are decision-making structures in C# software. The flow of the program is determined by if else. If else controls are used if transactions are to be made depending on a certain condition. Here, the condition is specified in the if statement, if the condition is true, the commands inside the if code block are executed. If the condition is not true, the commands in the else code block are executed. In cases where there is more than one condition, nested if else structures are used. I made 2 desktop applications related to this.

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In multi-state branching statements, switch-case structure is preferably used instead of if-else blocks. It is used when equality is desired.The value to be checked is placed in the case blocks. It is closed with a break.

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One of the most basic building blocks of programming is loops. It allows us to write less and more functional coding that will be written over and over.Loops are used in programming to repeatedly execute a certain block of statements until some condition is met.The for loop is also a type of loop that we use most in loops.

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Foreach is a loop that goes through the elements of array and collection-based objects, you can iterate through these elements and create your business layer. You can see my work on this loop type.

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Using functions in C# allows you to repeatedly run the code block you have created anywhere in the program. The function you created can be used both in the project and out of the project, one or more times, privately or openly. In this way, we will not repeat the same codes by using a function, and we will alleviate our work by correcting it in one place when it needs to be corrected. You can look at the sample special function I made.

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Methods defined as void do not return a value. It is one of the most frequently used methods by developers. The void method takes parameters like any other method. It is used when there is no need to take a value.


We can create more than one method with the same name, but we cannot process the same parameters to overloaded methods.


Out is used when it returns multiple values.

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It is a structure that prevents errors in the code blocks we have written. In fact, the prevention of errors is not meant to prevent the error, but to prevent the related program from giving an error to the end user. When the user receives an error, he can directly convey the error to us via e-mail.

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My sample bus ticket projectGitHub Pages

My sample ATM projectGitHub Pages

My sample dice game projectGitHub Pages