
A flight simulator for 2020-1's Open Day.

Primary LanguageC#

Flight Dogfight Simulator (Unity 3D)

A flight simulator for 2020-1's Open Day.

The master branch will only be used for full releases, for active development checkout to the dev branch.

Suggestions are welcomed!


  • Unity 2019.2.8f1

Work guidelines (IMPORTANT)

For collaboration to work, the following plugins should be installed and used.

  • Get Github For Unity plugin at this link or install it on the Unity Asset Store in your Editor.
    • It is recommended to work with the Command Line it provides, since it will save tons of weird crashes. You can open one terminal instance from Window -> Github Command Line.
    • To start, checkout to the dev branch.
  • Get Unity Standard Assets (2017) from the Asset Store in your Editor. Don't worry, it'll be alright :^)

Guideline #1: Do not commit to the master branch.

Instead, create a branch from the dev branch addressing an issue. Use this format fix/{number}.

Example: Let's say you're working on issue #2.

  1. git checkout dev
  2. git checkout -b fix/2

Guideline #2: If you want to develop something (or notice that something has to be done), be it adding some feature or fixing a bug, create an issue, please.


  1. Go to the issue page.
  2. Click on New issue.
  3. Set a descriptive title, i.e. Implement Cloud Physics.
  4. Set a description of what has to be achieved. The more detail it has the better will be for everyone.
  5. Add a label: bug or enhancement (if it's a feature).
  6. Click on Projects and select Open Day Taskboard.
  7. (Optional) If you want to work on this issue, assign yourself on Assignees.
  8. Submit new issue.

Guideline #3: If you finish an issue, do not merge it without authorization. Instead, push your branch to remote and make a pull request.

Example: Let's say you were working on issue #2 and you finished your changes.

  1. git add . (or the folders/files you want to commit.
  2. git commit -m "Fixes #2"
  3. git push origin fix/2
  4. Go to the pull request page.
  5. Create a New pull request.
  6. Select dev as base branch and your branch (fix/2, in this case) as the compared branch.
  7. If there are merge conflicts, fix them or message one of the collaborators in this project.
  8. Click on Create pull request.
  9. Wait upon approval.


Names are alphabetically ordered, they don't reflect the quantity of work each member has done.