
Mediator implementation in Kotlin with native coroutine support

Primary LanguageKotlin

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Mediator implementation in kotlin with native coroutine support.

Supports synchronous and async (using kotlin coroutines ) command and query handling, native kotlin implementation and spring-boot configuration

kediatR has two implementations: kediatR-core and kediatR-spring


  • add kediatr-core dependency to your POM

Command dispatching

fun main(){
    // pass any class in package which contains handlers to CommandBusBuilder. 
    // So, kediatR may scans your package and registers command and query handlers 
    val bus: CommandBus = CommandBusBuilder(HelloCommand::class.java).build()

class HelloCommand(val message: String) : Command

class HelloCommandHandler: CommandHandler<HelloCommand>{
    override fun handle(command: MyCommand) {

Query dispatching

fun main(){
    val bus: CommandBus = CommandBusBuilder(GetSomeDataQuery::class.java).build()
    val result: String = bus.executeQuery(GetSomeDataQuery(1))

class GetSomeDataQuery(val id: Int) : Query<String>

class GetSomeDataQueryHandler: QueryHandler<String, GetSomeDataQuery> {
    override fun handle(query: GetSomeDataQuery): String {
        // you can use properties in the query object to retrieve data from somewhere
        // val result = getDataFromSomewhere(query.id)
        // return result

        return "hello"

Usage with Spring

  • add kediatr-spring dependency to your POM and enjoy yourself
class UserService(private val commandBus: CommandBus){
    fun findUser(id: Long){
        return commandBus.executeQuery(GetUserByIdQuery(id))

class GetUserByIdQuery(private val id: Long): Query<UserDto>

class GetUserByIdQueryHandler(private val userRepository: UserRepository) : QueryHandler<UserDto, GetUserByIdQuery> {
    fun handle(query: GetUserByIdQuery): UserDto { 
        val user = userRepository.findById(query.id)
        // do some operation on user
        return UserDto(user.id, user.name, user.surname)

Async Usage with Kotlin Coroutine Support

class UserService(private val commandBus: CommandBus ){
    suspend fun findUser(id: Long){
        return commandBus.executeQueryAsync(GetUserByIdQuery(id))

class GetUserByIdQuery(private val id: Long): Query<UserDto>

class GetUserByIdQueryHandler(private val userRepository: UserRepository) : AsyncQueryHandler<UserDto, GetUserByIdQuery> {
    suspend fun handleAsync(query: GetUserByIdQuery): UserDto { 
        val user = userRepository.findByIdAsync(query.id)
        // do some operation on user
        return UserDto(user.id, user.name, user.surname)