This is a very early stage release of the vlingo platform.
The vlingo-cluster supports scaling a JVM tool or application.
To build and test, make sure that you also build and install the following in the order shown:
consule:vlingo-common> mvn install
consule:vlingo-actors> mvn install
consule:vlingo-cluster> mvn install
The cluster is pre-configured for three nodes. To run a three-node cluster, start three console windows and type the following, one in each console:
consule1:vlingo-cluster> mvn exec:java -Dexec.args=node1
consule2:vlingo-cluster> mvn exec:java -Dexec.args=node2
consule3:vlingo-cluster> mvn exec:java -Dexec.args=node3
Each node will start up and join the cluster. It is likely that node3 will become the leader, but it's possible for another node to take the lead based on timing.
To play around with the nodes, go into one consult window and type ^C (interrupt). This will bring down the given node and the cluster will adjust. If you bring down the leader the cluster will elect a new leader. Starting the downed node again will enable it to re-join the cluster.
You can develop JVM applications with vlingo-cluster. See the following package and sample ClusterApplication:
io.vlingo.cluster.model.application ClusterApplication ClusterApplicationAdapter FakeClusterApplicationActor
Try it out. As the cluster changes states all of the activity and health conditions will be reported to the registered ClusterApplication. You can see how to configure your own ClusterApplication by changing the file: = io.vlingo.cluster.model.application.FakeClusterApplicationActor
Have fun!