
ConverterTool is a tool to convert files among CSV, XML and JSON formats in Python.

Primary LanguagePython

● The tool takes command line arguments according to the formats you want to convert between them. A typical command line usage is as follows: <"filename"> <"input file"> <"output file/xsd file"> <"type">

● The first argument, <"filename"> is the python file for conversion operations, <"input file"> refers to the source filename which will be converted and the third one, <"output file">, refer to the target filename, or XSD file. The last argument, <"type">, defines conversion type (1=CSV to XML, 2=XML to CSV, 3=XML to JSON, 4=JSON to XML, 5=CSV to JSON, 6=JSON to CSV,7=XML validates with XSD)

● The sample command line usage converting from XML to JSON as follows: python ConverterTool.py test.xml test.json 3

Csv File Explanation
