
Stream raspberry pi camera via Http Live Stream HLS

Primary LanguageShell


Stream raspberry pi camera via Http Live Stream HLS


Use ffmpeg. Avconv produces a lot of errors multiplexing the output of raspivid

  • connect and configure Raspberry Pi camera board. https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/camera/README.md

  • check that raspivid can record video from the camera.

  • install ffmpeg (not in raspbian repositories), binaries available from https://ffmpeg.org/. Choose download / linux / Linux Static Builds. Download the armhf build for newer raspberry pi's. Unarchive and move the created directory somewhere: like to /usr/local. So you will have e.g.: /usr/local/ffmpeg-3.3.2-armhf-32bit-static/.

  • create symlinks for /usr/local/ffmpeg-/bin/ffmpeg, ffmpeg-10bit and ffserver into /usr/local/bin.

  • put streamCamHls in /usr/local/bin.

  • check paths and settings in top of file.

  • run command streamCamHls

  • files like movie*.ts, movie.m3u8 shoud be written to OUTDIR

  • now install a webserver, like nginx.

  • put file in /etc/nginx/conf.d/enable-symlinks.conf: contents:

disable_symlinks off;
  • create a symlink from OUTDIR to nginx http dir (usually /var/www/html.)

  • fire up a video player, like vlc on a computer that can reach the raspi, enter the url: http:///hls/movie.m3u8. (hls should be name of symlink to OUTDIR in nginx http dir, movie.m3u8 should be name of OUTFILE (as defined in streamCamHls).

Please use a ramdisk for OUTDIR, like /dev/shm, standard on Raspbian. Writing to your flash card will wear it out quickly.

automatic startup / service

  • create a user webcam
  • add it to the group video
  • place camhls.service file in /etc/systemd/system
  • reload systemd deamon: systemctl daemon-reload
  • enable service: systemctl enable camhls
  • start service: systemctl start camhls