
Quik is a responsive instant delivery web app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can seamlessly browse a dynamic menu, add items to their cart, and securely checkout. The app ensures a delightful experience with real-time updates on order details and a user-friendly payment process.

Primary LanguageCSS

Quik - Instant Delivery App

About quik

Quik is a web application designed to provide users with a quick and personalized instant delivery experience. The project is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with a modular code organization for maintainability. The application features a responsive design to ensure an optimal user experience across various devices.


  1. Technical Details
  2. Project Structure
  3. User Flow
  4. Installation and Local Setup

Technical Details

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: Markup language for structuring the application.
  • CSS3: Styling language for designing the user interface.
  • JavaScript (ES6+): Used for dynamic and interactive behavior of the app.
  • FontAwesome 6.5.1: Icon library for enhanced visual elements.
  • UUID (v4): Library for generating unique identifiers.

Project Structure

The project is organized into three main files:

  1. index.html: Contains the structure of the web page, including the layout, main content, and forms for ordering and payment.
  2. style.css: Defines the styles and layout for the entire application. It includes responsive design considerations and enhances the visual appeal.
  3. script.js: Implements the dynamic behavior of the app. It handles user interactions, updates the order list, and manages the checkout process. The code is modular, using functions to improve readability and maintainability.
  4. data.js: Includes a menu array containing details about each item, such as name, ingredients, price, and quantity. UUID is generated using the UUID library for unique identification.

User Flow

Welcome Page

Users are welcomed with a homepage that allows them to either sign up or continue as a guest.

Signup Form

The signup form collects the user's full name and email address. Upon successful registration, the user's information is displayed in the navbar.

App Page

Users can dynamically add products to their basket. The basket displays the selected products, quantities, and total price in real-time.

Order and Checkout

Order Review

The order list dynamically updates with added items, including names, quantities, and prices. The total order price is calculated and displayed.

Checkout Process

Users can proceed to checkout, triggering the display of a payment form. The payment form includes fields for cardholder name, email, card number, and CVV.

Payment Confirmation

Upon successful payment submission, users receive a thank-you message. The message includes the user's name provided during registration.

Installation and Local Setup

Feel free to explore the code, suggest improvements, and contribute to making Quik even better! 🛠️🚀

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/quik-app.git