React Feedback Component

for live demo there is a icon at right corner click it! Feedbacks at google sheets


  • Collects all feedback at GoogleSheets
  • Customizable interface
  • Easy integration


This repo is an npm package. for use: ty-feedbkack-button requires Node.js to run.

npm i ty-feedbkack-library

For usage

import TYFeedback from 'ty-feedbkack-library'
<TYFeedback sheetMonkeyUrl='u need to sheet monkey url [sheetMonkey](https://sheetmonkey.io/)' />

!Also you can use with clone for developing

yarn install
yarn start

Props for TYFeedback

Prop type isRequired
formTitleText string optional
formContentText string optional
sheetMonkeyUrl string (sheetMonkeyUrl) required
modalWidth string or number optional
modalZIndex number optional
modalClosable boolean optional
successText string optional
modalClassName string optional
feedbackButtonClassName string optional
formTitleClassName string optional
formTitleColor string optional
formTitleAlign 'left' or'center' or 'right'; optional
onSubmit() () => void optional