

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains two projects, a RESTful api and a Telegram bot, developed during dev.akademi.

Prerequisities & Installation

  • Make sure you have Python 3.6.x & pip installed
  • Create a virtualenv based on Python 3.6.x, virtualenvwrapper ease virtualenv management
  • Clone repository via git clone git@github.com:oguzhanunlu/dev-akademi.git
  • cd dev-akademi
  • Activate your virtual environment and run pip install -r requirements.txt



  • Assuming you are at root of repository, run cd devakademi/, devakademi/ is a Django project
  • To start serving API on localhost, run python manage.py runserver, API should be up and running on port 8000

API Endpoints

GET     /api/current                                 - Get current Scoin price
GET     /api/history?date=%Y-%m-%d&time=%H:%M        - Get historical Scoin price
GET     /api/convert?cur1=X&cur1=Y                   - Convert between currencies, supports only `Scoin`, `ETH`, `BTC`, `TL`
GET     /api/buy?amount=X                            - Buy X Scoins

Telegram Bot

  • Assuming you are at root of repository, run cd bot/, bot/ contains a python script
  • Run python bot.py, it doesn't output to console but expect to see unhandled exceptions for invalid commands.
  • Test chatbot while python script is running.

Bot URL : https://telegram.me/SBCoinBot

Telegram doesn't need your phone connected to the internet. You may use desktop clients.

It was a learning experience if not a winner one. Thanks sahibinden !