
This project is a simple api project with Deno

Primary LanguageTypeScript

DENO | Simple Api Project


The repository contains:

Directory layout

  • Controllers: It includes the methods of incoming requests.
  • Data: It contains the mock data we'll use.
  • Models: It's the part where the objects to be used in our app are created.
  • Routes: It ensures that requests are directed to the appropriate controllers.
  • index.ts: It's the main file that we'll launch our app and it contains the necessary configurations.


  1. $ deno install --allow-read --allow-run --unstable https://deno.land/x/drun@v1.0.0/drun.ts

  2. $ drun


Endpoint Status Request
/api/data yes GET
/api/data/:username yes GET
/api/data yes POST
/api/data/:username yes PUT
/api/data/:username yes DELETE


  • Directory Layout
  • CRUD Operations
  • Routing Operations
  • MongoDB Integration


This project is released under the MIT License.