Beard Classifier


This repo is a test task for CV/ML engineer position that I've occasionally worked on


Dataset: 2001 images, 8 classes, imbalanced:

name Count Total, %
0 chin_curtain 75 3.7
1 classic_long 186 9.3
2 classic_short 301 15.0
3 goatee 238 11.9
4 goatee_with_moustache 301 15.0
5 moustache 298 14.9
6 shaven 301 15.0
7 stubble 301 15.0

In order to address issue with dataset imbalance I decided to use pytorch's WeightedRandomSampler, that assigns class weight to each sample in dataset. Less frequent class get higher weight. This results in equal probability of each class being represented in during training. All images were scaled to 224x224 in order to perform computations faster.

General approach is image classification with CNN.

In order to rich high accuracy I decided to use transfer learning, more specifically: ResNet34 trained on ImageNet dataset. Since beard classification is quite different from what originally ResNet34 was trained on, I unfreeze later layers of CNN (the ones that learnt high level representation). Also I replaced last fully-connected layer with custom solution.

In order to prevent over-fitting I used several technique.

  1. Data Augmentation. Random horizontal flip, rotation and horizontal translation.
  2. Dropout, BatchNormalization layers.
  3. Oversampling (described earlier) in order to prevent over-fitting to certain classes, that was controlled by per-class recall calculation.

Training: 45 epochs with SGD started at learning rate = 1e-3 decreased by factor of 10 each 15 epochs.

Training process you could find in file: 'training process.txt'

After each model were evaluated on whole dataset (evaluation process: 'evaluate process.txt') Based on the results model with higher accuracy on whole dataset was selected (results below)

model name: ''

name TP Total Accuracy, %
0 chin_curtain 70 75 93.33
1 classic_long 180 186 96.77
2 classic_short 288 301 95.68
3 goatee 231 238 97.06
4 goatee_with_moustache 282 301 93.69
5 moustache 294 298 98.66
6 shaven 293 301 97.34
7 stubble 284 301 94.35
Average accuracy 1922 2001 96.1%

Further improvements could be done by exploiting deeper CNN, architectures, using ensembles of models, etc.