
CampusNet API for java applications

Primary LanguageJava


CampusNet API for java applications

CampusNet System

The idea in CampusNet is to generate a personal homepage for each user in the university based on the his/her role at the university (e.g. student, teacher, TAP, guest), and his/hers mappings and affiliations.

Through a simple interface the user can interact with literally all the university’s systems e.g. all kinds of registers, course catalogue, administration systems (scores, enrollments etc.), and so CampusNet integrates administration, groupware, e-learning and self-services.

CampusNet also has a public RESTful API which is documented here.

This information is taken from Arcanic website.

API Capabilities

CampusNet API has several functionalities around extracting course data, group data and overall user data. We will explain each functionality in its own section. During the development of this project, we aimed to have clear, concise, consistent, easy-to-read and easy-to-understand code, since it will be the backbone of many possible further applications that can be developed on top of it.

How to login

User CN = Api.login(cn_username, cn_password); // Right now, you can use API only for DTU access.

How to access course/group info

// to access list of messages sent for a course/group
List<Message> messages = CN.getElementByName("02157 Functional programming")

// to access list of appointments in an interval of a course/group
List<Appointment> appointments = CN.getElementByName("02157 Functional programming")
                                   .getAppointments(startDate, endDate)

// to access Top folder of a course/group
Folder rootFolder = CN.getElementByName("02157 Functional programming")
// to download a file from a folder
rootFolder.getSubFolderByName("A subfolder name") // you can navigate between folders.
          .getFileByName("A file name") // you can access a File in that Folder.
          .getFileVersion(1) // you can access A FileVersion of that File.
          .getBytes(); // you can download that version as byte array. 

// to upload a file in a folder
rootFolder.upload("file name", fileContent); // fileContent should be byte array. 

// to access participants of a course/group
List<UserInfo> users = CN.getElementByName("02157 Functional programming")

How to access user info:

// to access basic user info such as email, id, name and language
UserInfo userInfo = CN.getInfoAccessor()
// to access upcoming appointments for the user
List<Appointment> appointments = CN.getCalendarAccessor()
                                   .getUpcomingAppointments(first, amount); // starting from _first_ calendar entry, returns _amount_ of calendar entries.

// to access messages of the user				   
List<Message> messages = CN.getMessageAccessor()
                           .getNewestMessages(first, amount); // starting from _first_ message, returns _amount_ of messages.

// to access active polls the user can see/vote
List<Poll> activePolls = CN.getPollAccessor()
                           .getActivePolls(first, amount); // you get the idea.
// to see poll options
  .getPollOptions(); // returns list of PollOption instances.
// to vote for a poll
  .vote(pollId, pollOptionIds);
// to see the poll result

How to access education programme info:

// to access list of education programmes that the user attended
List<EducationProgramme> CN.getEducationProgrammeAccessor()

// to access a grade of a specific course in a specific programme
EducationProgramme program = ...;
List<ExamResult> examResults = program.getExamResults();
String grade = examResult.getGrade();

To-do List

  • API supports all other CampusNet universities.
  • API supports course/group participant info access.
  • API supports file/course/group search.
  • API supports cafeteria info access.
  • API supports overall file access. (currently we can access files of a course/group.)
  • API contains convenient methods such as getExamResultOf(String courseName), getProgrammeByName(String programmeName) etc.


Oguz Demir