Dynamic flow scheduling with a Scheduler device configurable from flows.
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Trigger card for Scheduler Enabled/Disabled
#14 opened by jonorland - 3
Setting cron time fails
#16 opened by petermunch81 - 7
Error: Something went wrong. It took over five seconds to find the next execution time for the cron job.
#8 opened by oh2th - 1
Missing time input validation in onAction_DEVICE_SCHEDULE_TIME will cause device to fail and crash
#11 opened by oh2th - 4
Cannot destructure property 'cronTime' of 'this.getSettingsCronTime(...)' as it is undefined
#9 opened by oh2th - 1
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Status indicator in Homey device
#3 opened by Rrrr4321 - 3
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Renamed alarm not visible
#4 opened by Rrrr4321