
Python GUI for UrJTAG library.

Primary LanguagePython


This code presents an approach to combine 3 tools into a JTAG test chain visualizer.

Current version allows for BSDL parsing and saving into an SQLite DB, device detection, pin mapping, SAMPLE instruction BSR reading and simple pin state setting.

Example of the program running on a real device below:

jtagGUI Screenshot

This is just a demo for now. I will continue to add new features, so that I have a tool that is useful for my own work.

Installation and running

This software was developed under Python 3.9. And uses the mentioned above packages (wxPython, TatSu and UrJTAG Python bindings). For now it works just by running main.py.

By default GUI needs UrJTAG, but passing DEBUG as command argument runs a UrJTAG mock class for debuging.

I used it together with a STM32 USBBlaster clone (e.g. DirtyJTAG) for interfacing with JTAG, but any of the probes supported by UrJTAG should work. The dropdown list allows to select a probe as listed in the help cable listing in UrJTAG.

Device discovery is based on BSDL files that are parsed and saved in local SQLite DB. They can be added and removed to the repository accessible in the Tools menu.

Still this is not any kind of production software, only a demonstration with shameful amount of hackery. It's been tested with limited number of devices and only one JTAG cable. Thus it will undergo changes and refinements.

I do not take any responsibility for this software nor any potential damage it causes. Use it on your own responsibility.