Langue Programerringfür Ayyy, or, Le Ip Yeh
To run - {probably this is going to involve Dyalog APL but I haven't written any code yet tbh}
A functioning left-to-right "syntax sugar" transpiler for the APL language. An insta-repl RIDE mode that immediately evaluates non-side-effecting functions, taking advantage of each character typed producing a valid and relevant expression.
APL has done a lot of things right in the domains of concision, data models, and primitives, but the experience of reading and writing it is frustratingly right-to-left. The concatenative idiom increases clarity in many cases, but results in unreadable math, and generally underuses names. Combining the two should result in… something, at any rate :)
This space intentionally left blank lmao
- round-trip APL parser/printer
- literally reverse the entire string
- comments
- unreverse names
- fix parens, directional characters like
- flip characters typed on keydown
- flop
probably - infix operator form of
? - RIDE proxy server
- fixup lang bar, code examples
- figure out what to do with