This example shows how to deploy Rust code on Netlify Functions.
Functions can be deployed using Netlify's CLI as well as the Netlify Build environment.
You can copy this repository and deploy it to Netlify by clicking the button below.
After clicking that button, you’ll authenticate with GitHub and choose a repository name. Netlify will then automatically create a repository in your GitHub account with a copy of the files from the template. Next, it will build and deploy the new site on Netlify, bringing you to the site dashboard when the build is complete.
Build & Deployment
Deploying with CLI
You need to install Netlify's CLI first:
npm install -g netlify-cli
Then run the following command:
netlify deploy --build
Deploying with Netlify Build
Create a new Netlify site and link it to your repository. Netlify will detect the Rust functions automatically, build and deploy them for you.