
An admin sidebar layout using bulma and grunt/sass workflow.

Primary LanguageCSS


This is my favorite frontend environment. It's a great start for most simple websites. Includes the following:

  • jQuery
  • firebase authentication (ready for db use)
  • AngularJS (ngroutes / nganimate / ng-includes)
  • usefull mixins for colors, easing, centering, animating, and more
  • Grunt Tasks for sass compiling / minifying / watch / BrowserSync (live-reload) / server (localhost)
  • Using BULMA grid framwork to create a sidebar admin layout
  • Working login form (put your firebase app data in index.html)
  • bad ass FAQ layout
  • Easy to use notification plugin from any js file notice('your message','background-color-here'). set colors in _colors.scss.


you will need git-cli npm and grunt before starting

Use Instructions

  • download this repo git clone https://github.com/ohabash/Bulma-grunt-admin.git

  • cd to root and npm install

  • start grunt watch and browserSync tasks with grunt

  • your browser should pop up serving this content on http://localhost:3000/. Try to edit the scss to see it in action