
A front end playground for HTML and CSS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


LivePreview is a front end playground for HTML and CSS. It's a great tool if you've suddenly got an idea you'd like to quickly jot down without having to get a development environment set up. Play around with it on livepreview.webege.com. Help make LivePreview better by contributing to this repo.

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LivePreview's HTML Box is where you write all of the HTML code (obviously) that will be rendered in the pallet on the right. Though you can, you aren't required to add things like <!DOCTYPE> or <html> tags because those are pre-rendered for you. The text editor can also help with indentation, too, with great syntax highlighting. As of 31st May 2013, Emmet (Zen Coding) is also available. Type in the name of a tag and press tab your keyboard to expand!


Almost likewise to the HTML Box, LivePreview's CSS Box is where you write all of the necessary CSS code that will style the elements in the pallet. You're able to use @import statements too if you need to do so to include external CSS stylesheets in your work.

Although LivePreview's CSS Box doesn't make use of preprocessors, you still have the ability to store values in variables, starting with the $ symbol, which is similar to Sass. However, use an = (equals) symbol to link values to variables, and not a colon!

Here's how you may use variables in your CSS work:

$lg = lightgray;
$ws = whitesmoke;
$main_font = 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
$second_font = serif;

@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans);

body {
    background-color: $ws; // this will render into background-color: whitesmoke;
    font-family: $main_font; // this will render into font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    font-family: $second_font; // this will render into font-family: serif;

The variables will be processed in real time and the values will be added to the properties which you've assigned variables to, provided that you have defined them first! You can define and use variables anywhere, but it's best practice to define all necessary variables at the top of the CSS box.