
Primary LanguagePython

Here are instructions for collecting web data on a set of PlanetLab nodes, from setting them up with the necessary software to running the data collection on the cycles servers.

#Managing the PlanetLab nodes

The following tasks are all performed on a set of PlanetLab nodes specified in nodes.txt. This list contains the hostnames of all nodes (one per line) to be included in a given task. To exclude a node from the task add the "#" symbol at the beginning of the corresponding line in nodes.txt.

##Preparing nodes for the web data collection:

  • Run: python run_script.py -l deploy_updater
  • Run: python run_script.py -r update
  • Check whether Python2.7 is installed
  • If not, run: python run_script.py -r install_python

##Deploying the crawler (must do this if the crawler software has been modified):

  • Run: python run_script.py -l deploy_crawler

#Collecting data on the Cycles servers

##Setting up the web data collection:

  • Specify each crawl in run_crawls.py as follows:
t = Thread(target=remote_crawl, args=(<crawl ID from util.py>, <interval>, <num sites>, n, <num visits>))
  • Copy the files necessary for the crawls to your home directory on cycles: ./setup_cycles.sh <username>

##Running web data collection:

  • Install paramiko if you have not already: pip install --user paramiko
  • Open a new screen terminal: screen
  • Change the Python path to find paramiko: export PYTHONPATH=/u/<username>/.local/lib/python3.3/site-packages
  • Run the cron job: crontab cron.txt
  • Start the crawl (w/o email notification): python3.3 run_crawls.py <run name>
  • Start the crawl w/ email notification: python3.3 run_crawls.py <run name>; mail -s "Multisurf Crawl Done" <username>@cs.princeton.edu < /dev/null
  • After crawl has started, detach the screen window: Crtl-A d .It is now safe to logout of cycles.
  • To check on progress: ssh back into cycles and type screen -r

##Wrapping up the web data collection:

  • Remove the cronjob: crontab -r
  • Delete the screen terminal: From within the running terminal run Ctrl-a k or Cmd-a k on a Mac, and type "yes"