
Simple tool to alert when a Burst account reaches a certain balance

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple service, that notifies you (or others) via Mail, SMS, Discord, or Telegram, when a Burst account reaches a certain balance.

Mail is not supported yet


Sometimes it is important (or just interesting) when a certain Burst account reaches a specific value. This little service allows you to check for such a condition. It is built as a tiny serverless (lambda) function, that can be called via a simple Http request. If the desired condition is met (see below), a message will be sent according the passed arguments, i.e. as SMS, Mail, or Telegram message.

In combination with a periodic check (e.g. every hour), you can monitor an account's balance, e.g.to keep an eye on it. I use this service to monitor the Burst Activator Account using Uptime Robot

All for free

Keep in mind, that this solution is somehow scalable as AWS, Zeit Now is used, but this might involve incalculable costs. For personal use, you can easily monitor several dozen accounts every 5 Minutes for free, using free tiers of AWS (100 SMS/month free), Zeit Now, and/or Uptime Robot or Freshping


Once the service is up (see chapter Installation) you can call it using Http GET (e.g. possible to call in browser)


Some endpoints are protected to avoid spamming and though uncontrolled costs (mainly for AWS send services). It uses Basic Authentication, for which username and password are configured during setup (API_USER and API_PASS). So, the Authorization Header must be set (or in Browser you'll be asked for credentials)


This is how a request with curl may look like

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/api/check-balance?account=13736966403016142704&compare=lt&targetBurst=10&msgRecipient=discord:1234567890981733/cVoNiUCPmHZgqXa85tJBQf8vzyWiwrcR6S7xBHefHrYbiR9-6vPR9Uzgz3X5wkYNroT_&msgRecipient=telegram:2a3137d2-2d6a-4e4d-985a-df0d278426b09&msgRecipient=sms:+5511912345678&alias=MyAccount' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic U29tZVRlc3RVc2VyOlNvbWVUZXN0VXNlclBhc3M='


Health Check

No Auth required

/api/status - returns 200 and a message

Balance Check

Needs Authentication


with following Params

Argument Description Required
account The accounts id required
alias An arbitrary alias for the account (max. 20 chars) optional
compare The comparison operator: lt or gt optional
targetBurst The balance target for comparison in BURST required, if compare
msgRecipient A tuple in form type:address for notification. Type must be one of sms, mail, discord, or telegram required, if compare


  1. Just returns an account's balance, without any notification



    "account": "13736966403016142704",
    "balanceBurst": "16928.87210584",
    "notified": false
  1. Checks for an account's balance, and if less than 10 BURST sends an SMS to given phone number


Returns something like this:

    "account": "13736966403016142704",
    "balanceBurst": "8.34955",
    "targetBurst": "10",
    "comparator": "lt",
    "notified": true,
    "hasNotificationError": false

To send to multiple channels just add another msgRecipient parameter.



To run the service, some preparations are necessary, as this service uses AWS SNS and is built for Zeit Now (although, should be possible to host on other PaaS, like Heroku or Netlify, but you'll probably need to some platform specific routing)

Install Prerequisites

  1. Install NodeJS 13+
  2. Create an AWS Account (if you want to support SMS)
  3. Create a Zeit Now Account
  4. Clone this repo (requires git): git clone https://github.com/ohager/burst-balance-alert.git
  5. Run npm i (to install all dependencies)

Setup Zeit Now

Once you have created an account you need to configure several access keys, i.e. for AWS, also the Basic Authentication for the service itself. The keys will be provided as environment variables, such that they can be injected securely.

The following variables need to be set:

API_USER=<Username for Basic Auth>
API_PASS=<Password for Basic Auth>
AWS_KEY_ID=<Amazon AWS key id>
AWS_SECRET_KEY=<Amazon AWS secret>
# Keep the peer address as it is, and change if you know what you are doing
# The explorer used for linking in messages

Local Setup

For local development it's sufficient to copy .env.example to .env and set the variables accordingly.

Run Locally

Once set you can run the service locally by just call npm run start:dev Your service should be available on localhost:3000. To check if service is up copy the following line into your browser:


If all is fine, you will see a message like: Burst Balance Alert is up

Production Setup

For deployment on Zeit you need to run the following commands to securely configure your sensitive variable values.

now secrets add burst-balance-alert-user <your username>

now secrets add burst-balance-alert-pass <your password>

now secrets add aws-key-id <your aws key id> (see chapter "SMS Notification")

now secrets add aws-secret-key <your aws secret> (see chapter "SMS Notification")


Once set you can deploy the service by calling npm run deploy Your service will be deployed to Zeit Now and will be available under the returned Urls, e.g. burst-balance-alert.<username>.now.sh

To check if service is up copy the following line into your browser:


If all is fine, you will see a message like: Burst Balance Alert is up

SMS Notification

To send SMS you'll need to have an Amazon AWS account (The free tier is more than sufficient). I recommend not to use your root keys, but create a specific user with limited permissions. Therefore, you go to the AWS IAM Console

  1. Create a Group and select the following permissions

    • AmazonSESFullAccess
    • AmazonSNSFullAccess
  2. Create A User and add him to the created group

  3. Select the User, go to the Security Credentials setup, and create an Access Key

  4. Write down the id and key; you'll need to inject these credentials as environment variables AWS_ID and AWS_SECRET


Telegram Notification

To deliver messages on telegram the Middleman-Bot is used. You just need to add the bot in your Telegram messenger, and you'll receive an id (e.g. 2a3137d2-2d6a-4e4d-985a-df0d278426b0). This id should be used for the msgAddress parameter.


Discord Notification

To setup the notification on Discord you need to create a webhook. Select or create a channel and open the settings. Within the settings (you need appropriate permissions), select the webhook section. Once you created a webhook you need the identifying parts of the url, i.e.

                                           Use this part as your address part for msgRecipient - discord:<address>