
Payment Application for the Signum Node Rewards (SNR)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Signum Node Reward (SNR)

Payment Application for the Signum Node Rewards (SNR)


NodeJS 14+ installed

Clone this repo and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/ohager/snr.git
cd snr
npm i

Initialize aka Configuration

Before using it you need to configure the tool. On installation the .env.example will be copied to .env automatically. Just edit the .env file according your needs.

Hint: You can always override the ENV vars on startup, i.e. PAYING_ACCOUNT_PASSPHRASE=secret snr pay 100 -x
Another Hint: Once the .env file exists, it won't be overwritten by the init command anymore


Just hit ./snr-cli.js --help for detailed usage

14:35 $ ./snr-cli.js 
Usage: snr-cli [options] [command]

            @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@           
         @@@@@    @@@@@    @@@@@        
           @@@  @@@  @@@ @@@@@          
    @@@      @@@@@     @@@@       @@@   
  @@@@@@@@ &@@@  @@@@@@@@ @@@@  @@@@@@@ 
 @@@    @@@@       @@@      @@@@@    @@@
 @@@  @@@ *@@@@           @@@  @@@  @@@@
   @@@@@     @@@         @@@     @@@@@  
 @@@@  @@@  @@@           @@@@  @@@  @@@
 @@@    @@@@@      @@@       @@@@    @@@
  @@@@@@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@ 
    @@@       @@@@     @@@@@      @@@   
           @@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@          
         @@@@@    @@@@@    @@@@@        
            @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@    
           Signum Node Rewards          
  Author: ohager
  Version: 1.1.0

  -V, --version                                output the version number
  -h, --help                                   display help for command

  init                                         Initializes the command. Use this before any other action
  pay [options] [amount]                       Pays the rewards to eligible node operators
  queue [options] <minVersion> [availability]  Checks the node operators for payment eligibility, and queues them for
                                               sending (need to use pay to execute payments)
  help [command]                               display help for command



Queuing is the process to verify if an operator is eligible. It just sets the elgibile operator to 'Queued', such that the payment can be done afterwards.

This will simulate a queue simulation for all version above '3.2' and 95% of availability and last seen today

./snr-cli.js queue "3.2" 95 

This will queue for all eligible operators with version above or equal '3.2' and 99% of availability

./snr-cli.js queue "3.2.2" 99 -x


Pays out to all 'Queued' operators.

This will simulate a payment execution using the entire balance of the payers account and disitributes to the operators

./snr-cli.js pay

This will simulate a payment execution of 10 Signa.

./snr-cli.js pay 10

This will run a real payment execution of 3.14159 Signa and alters state in the database also

./snr-cli.js pay 3.14159 -x