simple drawing in golang using braille unicode
Map are arbitrary size images where each pixel can be on or off (two color)
// create a new BitmaBitmap
g := braph.NewMap(100, 30)
// plot some dots
for x := 0; x < 100; x++ {
g.Set(x, 15, true) // plot the center line
int(math.Sin((float64)(x)*0.2)*15+15), // plot a sin centered at 15
// print it
for _, s := range g.Strings() {
fmt.Printf("⼁%s⼁\n", s)
which outputs
Simple version of Map above, where a single text line is create from a series of values:
g := braph.LineGraph{}
for i:=0; i<30; i++ {
v := math.Sin(math.Pow(float64(i), 1.5) / 8)
g = append(g, v)
fmt.Print(g.RenderFillBelow(-0.8, +0.8)) // use -0.8 and +0.8 as min/max