
Eve Echoes Planetary Materials Lookup

Primary LanguageVue

Eve Echoes Planetary Materials Lookup

Do you play the mobile game Eve Echoes? (ie, the mobile version of Eve Online)

Do you like to build things, like ships? Lots and lots of ships?

Well, then you're probably hunting all over Eve looking for the materials to build them.

This is a SPA reference app to help you track down what star systems are the best to setup planetary mining on based on what you're trying to build.

Btw, if you travel on down to Delve .... try to hunt me down and say Hello.

Live version

See https://lasellers.github.io/eve-materials-lookup/ for a live running version hosted on githubs own pages.


Data pulled from:





  • The app is stable now, but I've been looking into various dynamic programming techniques to optimize the responsiveness. For the next version, going to update the algs to see if we can't improve speed by about 100x.


  • v1 September 19 2020. Pulled together in a few hours Saturday partly to practice using VueJS and partly because writing a program to handle this was less hassle than doing it by hand.
  • v1.1 Clean up the UI for phones & tablets. Works decently on my phone and tablet now. Could always use more tweaking of course.
  • v1.2
  • v1.3 Mainly optimizations.
    • Initial data loading was too slow. Worked through the code to pin down the issues. Was mainly the code gathering up data for the dropdown boxes. Refactored that and sped up the load times by a magnitude or so (ie, it is up to x10 faster now).
    • Also removed "Rigs" from blueprint dropdown as they didn't use PI.
    • Fixed font sizes on smaller phones like iPhones 8 and before.
    • Broke up the data loader into parts that can be monitored more easily to see where any slow downs are taking place.
    • Will do a code cleanup for next version if all seems stable.
    • Todo Replace all magic numbers from CSVs
  • v1.4 Add routing for "Resources", "Yields" and "Suggestions". Optimize more -- the restructure and addition of several new sections has thrown off the speed of the app.
  • v1.5
    • A lot of optimization to the generation and spinners. Still needs a bit more tweaking. Moved some of the vuex to computed calls so that those can be cached until the dropdowns that are hooked into the vuex state change. Still have some optimization and spinner issues to look into.
    • Fixed an issue with the region/constellation/system dropdown where all three could be selected. Now only allows one at a time.
    • Part of the reason I've worked on this project is to learn VueJs so ... we're getting there.
  • v1.6 Minor optimization tweaking. Added a home/stats page with in-app instructions. Fixed a bug with the "Suggestions" page where the resources for the default blueprint were not loading do to a load order issue. Started to remove the abundant console logging for debugging issues. Optimized speed for computing initial suggestions planet grouping.
  • v1.7 Refactored a bit more -- pruning away code that wasn't needed now that I thought about it. Shaved about 500 + 250 ish ms off of the "resources by planet" pre-calc function. Removed the old
import productionCsv from '../assets/Production.csv'
import blueprintsCsv from '../assets/Blueprints.csv'

reference lines, etc as well. Originally the app bundled the csvs into the dist folder itself. Which worked -- but it took several long seconds for anything to appear. Looked like the site was down. The refactor to a spinner looks much better.

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


git checkout -b gh-pages
git add dist
npm run build
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages 
git push origin gh-pages