Care is a Digital Public Good enabling TeleICU & Decentralised Administration of Healthcare Capacity across States.
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Securing prod docker images
#2346 opened by sainak - 2
IntegrityError: null value in column "consultation_id" of relation "facility_patientconsultationevent" violates n...
#2495 opened by sentry-io - 0
cleanup the constructor of asset classes
#2435 opened by DraKen0009 - 7
Add Validation for Insurance input fields in patient registration form
#2507 opened by syedfardeenjeelani - 1
Add field `prescribed_by_doctor` for Prescriptions
#2426 opened by rithviknishad - 4
Update `delete_old_notifications` task to allow configurable time period with default of 30 days
#2528 opened by sainak - 11
Add validation for max dosage in PRN prescription
#2383 opened by sainak - 7
Flush Redis before loading static data
#2249 opened by sainak - 2
Cache counts on /api/v1/facility/ route
#2481 opened by sainak - 0
- 0
Bugs in `populate investigations` command
#2499 opened by DraKen0009 - 1
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Convert hardcoded strings to lazy translated strings
#2482 opened by sainak - 0
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Optimize events create operations
#2369 opened by sainak - 3
Header and footer spacing in Discharge summary
#2430 opened by Zeshanxviii - 1
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Add a timeout for open id authentication
#2440 opened by sainak - 3
Add a global 20 seconds timeout to middleware requests
#2237 opened by sainak - 0
Allow installing plugs from environment variable
#2471 opened by sainak - 1
Set default permission class to IsAuthenticated
#2238 opened by sainak - 1
Archive field `spo2` in favour of `ventilator_spo2` in the Daily Rounds model
#2334 opened by rithviknishad - 1
Incompatibility with psycopg 3.2
#2480 opened by sainak - 1
Optimize the N+1 query occurrence in the `/api/v1/facility/` endpoint to improve performance and reduce database load.
#2256 opened by gigincg - 1
Middleware to log request times
#2241 opened by sainak - 0
Change backend logic for setting the cover image key
#2469 opened by sainak - 0
Add more validations for json fields in daily round object
#2368 opened by sainak - 1
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Log Update API accepts "taken at" of future time
#2439 opened by shivankacker - 0
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Remove `deprecated_symptoms`
#2214 opened by sainak - 1
Rethink middleware hostname overrides
#2416 opened by sainak - 2
Password Reset Allows Any Username
#2409 opened by AdityaJ2305 - 0
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Add support for i18l for error responses from the backend
#2388 opened by sainak - 1
Convert `Facility.features` to ArrayField
#2215 opened by sainak - 0
Unable to create consultation with bed
#2376 opened by sentry-io - 0
ICD11: Fallback to DB lookup for unresolved lookups to redis and improving exception handling
#2245 opened by rithviknishad - 2
Explicitly Mention ACL for Public Uploads
#2335 opened by gigincg - 0
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S3 Bucket Health Check
#2282 opened by tellmeY18 - 1
N+1 Query in Encounter Symptoms
#2296 opened by sentry-io - 0
Create a new endpoint to show the current app version
#2234 opened by sainak - 0
Add queue length info in the health check endpoint
#2233 opened by sainak - 0
Change sentry reporting to error only by default
#2235 opened by sainak - 0
Investigate values being logged from constraint exceptions
#2240 opened by sainak - 0
Research slow db timeouts reported on sentry
#2239 opened by sainak